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Thread: VW gen 6...... just bought a lemon

  1. #1

    Unhappy VW gen 6...... just bought a lemon

    Howdy everyone. Embarrassingly I just got done in buying a used lemon as a first car for my son. VW Golf 2011 Mk 6 CAVD engine 75000kms. In days gone by VW Golf was always a good buy, so didn't think to research the vehicle model / type at all. Seller advertised "car runs like new - in excellent condition". On the surface it is in excellent condition. Stupidly did not get engine checked out before buying. Booked it into VW the day i bought it just for check up and got told engine needs to be replaced. 2 cylinders have very little compression.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Users Country Flag

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Newcastle, NSW
    Users Country Flag

    Sorry to hear.

    if its a 118tsi - they have some history....

    Hopefully you wont hold this lemon against the brand for the rest of your days.

    Ive been fortunate and seen nothing but good times with my VW's.
    Volkswagen -Enthusiasten

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