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Thread: Victorian Newbie, Passat Alltrack

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2022
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    Victorian Newbie, Passat Alltrack

    Hi, Michael here, have had my first VW for 3 years, as the header says it's an 2018 Passat Alltrack Wagon, was a demo car from VW Sydney, now at 112000Ks and it's good overall but some design problems for my use.

    Biggest issue was the 18 in wheels on a country/gravel road car, 2 flats and one wrecked wheel and tyre in the first few months so had some wheels "made" in Sydney to the size/spec of the winter wheels specked for the car in Europe so that I could fit decent 16 inch tyres same as are on Subaru Forresters. Now, after about 100000k, have just replaced the tyres, they were/are Coopers and they had 2/3rds tread left but with lots of mountain roads and wet/snow it's best to have "full tread". Not one puncture or any problem with the rotten potholes we have in "the Country". Car drives good - quiet with nice feel and feedback and good predictable grip especially in the wet.

    Reason for joining here is to explore the nanny issue problems and how to reset/delete things like the brain dead safety warning messages, the radio not working once the engine is off and a door is opened and the seat belt warnings that drive me nuts when in and out of the car opening farm gates.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2019
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    Hi Michael
    I have a 2019 Golf R Wagon and just changed from 19-inch wheels to 18-inch wheels because of potholes here in SEQ.

    The best Vag Com VCDS dongle and is from Ross Tech USA,
    to reset/delete things like the brain dead safety warning messages, the radio not working once the engine is off and a door is opened and the seat belt warnings that drive me nuts when in and out of the car opening farm gates.

    Best way to get one is from
    Automotive Scan & Diagnostics Tools | Mount AutoEquip ( and tell him you're on the forum. ​VCDS HEX-V2 (3 VIN) (

    Cheers Al

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2022
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    Thanks Al, had a look at Mount Auto, the 3 vin version is out of stock atm, have sent a request/note asking for an ETA, looking forward to getting that.
    Yep potholes are getting bad everywhere, was in lower NSW last week and one side road off the M1 was undriveable with people doing detours off the road to get around holes that had witches hats in them that were more than half in the hole, could have been flood damage though.
    Thanks for the recommendation.

  4. #4
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    Pacific Paradise QLD
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gippslander View Post
    Hi, Michael here, have had my first VW for 3 years, as the header says it's an 2018 Passat Alltrack Wagon, was a demo car from VW Sydney, now at 112000Ks and it's good overall but some design problems for my use.

    Biggest issue was the 18 in wheels on a country/gravel road car, 2 flats and one wrecked wheel and tyre in the first few months so had some wheels "made" in Sydney to the size/spec of the winter wheels specked for the car in Europe so that I could fit decent 16 inch tyres same as are on Subaru Forresters. Now, after about 100000k, have just replaced the tyres, they were/are Coopers and they had 2/3rds tread left but with lots of mountain roads and wet/snow it's best to have "full tread". Not one puncture or any problem with the rotten potholes we have in "the Country". Car drives good - quiet with nice feel and feedback and good predictable grip especially in the wet.

    Reason for joining here is to explore the nanny issue problems and how to reset/delete things like the brain dead safety warning messages, the radio not working once the engine is off and a door is opened and the seat belt warnings that drive me nuts when in and out of the car opening farm gates.

    Can do all you want for half the price of a Rosstech. An OBDELEVEN from here OBDeleven Diagnostic System – Shop – AutoInstruct Buy a Pro version or look around and you might get a second hand lifetime version Work best on an Android phone, even an old one with Android 5 or higher . there are brand specific guides on there to tell you how to do what you want and all up about 15mins work. Radio on is not a good idea unless its wired through the delay off as it will run the battery flat in a short time Dont ask me how I know.
    Last edited by Guest001; 22-11-2022 at 08:30 AM.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
    Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Sydney, NSW
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    There are two other cheap app/software options for coding... Carista and Car Scanner Pro. Carista only supports preset app-based coding, whilst Car Scanner Pro supports long coding too. However, I will qualify this by saying that I haven't played around with the coding functionality via Car Scanner Pro just yet.

    Snaffle yourself a Veepeak BLE+ OBD2 bluetooth adaptor for $50 via Amazon and purchase either software package and you're set. Whether you go with Carista ($16 for one month of access) or Car Scanner Pro ($16 outright) this will allow you to play around with the coding that is currently frustrating you (and even more!).

    Either way, you really can't go wrong with OBDeleven or Carista, although if you think you will use the device longer-term (e.g. for future coding changes, service resets and functionality etc) then weigh up the long-term costs of whichever option you choose (i.e. what are the longer-term access/subscription costs).

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