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Thread: T4 Virgin

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2022
    Users Country Flag

    Cool T4 Virgin

    Hi All
    Newbie here...possibly going to annoy some of you with my naive questions but will try to be as reasonable as possible by reading what I can find first and asking questions later...You see I just bought my first VW and its a T4 van and's AUTO!..I know what your all going to say..but it's in quite good cond and has had the auto reconditioned in the last 50k..been regularly serviced..has only had 3 owners, me being it's forth and came with most/all records and original books. Rust free and in mostly original paint (White). No oil leaks but a couple of rattles. Needs some new bushes, engine/trans mounts and alike..but I am pretty handy and can get around most things. Has just clicked 270km's which is a little higher than I wanted, but the price was right aaaand I needed to get it.
    I have just picked it up and plan to start collecting parts and things over the next coming weeks to "hopefully" have it registered within the month (No rego)

    So HI!
    Last edited by Vinny DeVan; 08-07-2022 at 07:41 PM.

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