Hi there everyone
I just purchased a 2011 118TSI Octavia wagon and I am wondering if anyone has any recommendations as to where I should get it serviced in Perth? North of the river preferably. I bought this from a VW dealer and I would just like to have someone (independent) experienced with Skoda to just give it a full look-over for me so that I know what might be coming up service-wise.
It's just come off new car warranty and I have never owned a European car before. I've tried a quick search for Skoda servicing recommendations in the forum but they all seem to be eastern states based...
Thanks in advance!
Hi Tess,
NOR I would recommend Elite Euro in Wangara (formerly known as Golfwagen if you search for them).
They are a VW specialist so they should be able to handle Skoda's no trouble. Several of us have also used WA Euro Mobile Service - Steve.
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