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Thread: Polo GTI Mk4 Manual - Late 2007

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    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Bayside, VIC
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    Polo GTI Mk4 Manual - Late 2007

    Bought myself this VW thinking I'll do nothing to it, being my first manual car to own.
    Yet I've already ended up replacing parts to fix it up and I have the need to mod it out;

    Had issues with the passenger door actuator, got the part from Germany; and replaced it. Had to buy some clips to re-secure the lining. All works perfectly now.
    Had Check engine light, Ended up being Secondary Fuel Injector Pump being full of water somehow; got from a VW scrapyard another one for $20. Being full of water, it also stuffed the Combi valve, Germany again for 100$. *** Broke the dipstick replacing these, so got one from Germany for $5, as well as a new Antenna as the old one was broken.

    It's not fully fixed up yet, had a few quirks when I bought it;
    Boot doesn't open always -> Microswitch doesn't output any resistance sometimes -> doesn't activate the lock actuator -> doesn't open. This part doesn't even exist in AUS according to VW; only in America and for 100$USD to buy... I'll find the photos and the part numbers, and create a thread probably.
    Interior back side lining for some reason was opened, and not replaced correctly, and I understand why...
    The wheel mags are all scratched to buggery too; not sure how I should go about them. Get them redone or purchase 2nd hand ones.
    Only problems I've noticed when driving it; gearbox wise, high revs from 1st -> 2nd, grind sometimes. 4th to 5th is stubborn sometimes, rest is smooth like 1 finger to move it to each gear smooth. And I've learned my lesson on not fully engaging the gear before releasing the clutch.

    The car is in a decent condition paint and interior wise for the years I have not owned it. 127,000Km done prior to purchase
    Currently started looking for Stage 1 ECU flash; Gavin (h100vw; Underground Performance) has offered this to be done, yesterday. He also informed me of how Stage 2 goes, getting some links for the parts to start building into Stage 2. *** Also mentioned I didn't have to replace the SFIP, just get it removed...
    Also wanted to connect an Aux cord to the Radio; have pulled it out and have taken photos of the rear connections; not sure what to purchase to connect. Sort of don't want to replace the radio for a nav system, rather going to get a phone holder for the side panel next to the radio and bring the aux through the nifty hole in the back of it, for this exact purpose. I'll get another thread with some photos of the rear end of the unit.

    Speakers sort of do need some modifications even replacement for my liking.
    Also going to add some vinyl stripes; red of course(It's glossy black btw), to make it look :I

    Hope this wasn't a long intro :P
    Last edited by JTop; 04-04-2018 at 12:33 AM.

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