Hey Everybody,
I currently drive an "interim" van as I like to refer to it. It's a well used 2.5 petrol, 1990 Transporter, I got it cheap and have been using it to move house. It's been invaluable.
I am though, on the search for a more long term van, an auto diesel, checking the usual auction spots and web caryards, I have my eye on a Multivan at the moment (love the captains chairs, they make me feel very important!) it needs repairs, but I'm looking into making it work.
I'll be stripping out the fancy chairs in the rear tho, and be alternating mostly between open 2 seat Van mode and o'night sleeper mode ( when me and the missus go out for the night into town and are too stingy to pay for a hotel!)
I like to tinker, I have an 84 BMW K100 m'cycle and will try and do some of the work to the van I buy also.
So I'll be seeking help from the knowledgeable here, and be asking dumb questions and smart, soon.
Gidday all,
Have a 2005 Diesel Auto Multivan now! A beautiful van to drive. Had a tow bar fitted and have just returned from my annual canoe fishing trip with friends. I was amazed at the towing power whilst packed with grumpy old canoeists.
Have a few questions about stuff now but will post in the appropriate section.
Jerry B.