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Thread: Newb bound to the Sh*tbox Rally in a MK1 Diesel

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Orange, NSW
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter

    Slow is good, river crossings, harsh terrain... it's a MK1 diesel, hopefully it can't get that much slower... right!?

    I didn't notice skirts, but I'll be sure to check.

    I think I've hunted him down via F'book TPR Engineering...? Cheers heaps.




    Your main objective is to buy crap cars for under $1000, and drive them as you bought them, raising funds for Cancer research.
    Last edited by Jack_It; 28-08-2014 at 10:15 PM. Reason: stupid language filters...

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Users Country Flag

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack_It View Post
    Thanks all, luckily it's not a rally race, so to speak - more along the lines of Variety Bash, Kidney Car Rally etc, A fundraiser via some of the more remote roads of Australia! have a look at www.**** if the filters will let you!?

    THANKS! yeh, as cool as it would be scraping rail, one river crossing and I'd need a snorkel...

    Would be good to be introduced, probably one of the mines engineering places as there isn't anything specific to road cars in town, and I can't say I've spotted a MK1 around... there is a tidy MK2 GTi and a few always parked up around the corner from a mates place, might be him, never know!

    Happy to do that! I'd prefer to sell off parts than see them busted up in the middle of far west Queensland, funds will go to our total. It has a Front Apron too... make a reasonable offer and we'll sort something once we get the wreck or parts, or they'll go on Ebay later on.

    Again, luckily it's not a rally race, more of a treck with a cause in mind over some crappy roads, looking into 14's with something like a Maxxis Bravo in a 185R14 offroad tyre. We need 2 spares, so considering putting road tyres on those so we can skip across the tarmac on the fronts easier and swap out when we hit dirt further north.

    Gotta work out some suspension mods, there are a few ideas out there based off the Golf Country, hopefully I can find a taller strut and spring or make up some lifting plate inserts. We have a few months to think about this at least.

    Picking her up Friday

    Pm me or message me on 0431411976
    I'll sort out a price on the flares with you

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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