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Thread: New from Tassie

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    Users Country Flag

    New from Tassie

    I'd never really been interested in VW's until last year, when someone in my suburb was selling one and I liked the look of it, and wanted it. But, his asking price was too high (for me), so I just added it to my mental wishlist.
    Then in July this year the prices on second hand ones at JMC were within my range so, I got one

    New from Tassie-mycar1a-jpg

    I have a 2011 VW Polo 77TSI Comfortline 6sp manual. Black. I would've preferred red or orange but, it's not like I had a choice, lol. Unless I wanted to wait another 6-12 months for the right colour to come up. By then I would've likely got something else.

    As with most things if I have an issue or question I Google it. I've a few niggles with the car, nothing major (although I guess the, I presume, slow leak in my rear right tyre that makes my dash light ping every second day is something that needs to be fixed soon). Google kind of brought me here, via another forum that recommended this one, as I was looking for answers to some questions I have.
    From what I've read so far, before joining, it looks like an informative place
    Last edited by Mystyk; 19-10-2018 at 09:33 PM. Reason: Added image

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