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Thread: New guy - 2006 9N3 Polo GTI

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2020
    Ipswich, QLD
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    New guy - 2006 9N3 Polo GTI

    Just got one 2 months... and it broke.

    First it was a coil pack (now replaced with 4 new ones) However, the new coil packs are too long and the spacers make no room for the (what i can guess) is the vacuum system. (researching to see if i can get rid of it).

    Checked the oil when inspecting the coil packs and the dipstick guide shattered (literally) into the hole. Now i have to pull apart the oil pan to clean it out. I thought about leaving it and letting the strainer block it, but i cant deal with more problems if it makes its way into the system where i cant fix it.

    The last guy didnt take good care of it. It's either missing screws and bolts or mismatching screws and bolts... Lotsa work but I'm going through it.

    Came on here to see how others do business as well as read through posts to get an idea about what i am doing.

    See you around

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Mexico
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    Those dipstick tubes are **** house when they get some age on them.

    There probably isn't much gone into the sump tbh. But I would be the same, I'd want to have a look in there. And if you're suss about the cars history. It's worth checking.
    Don't go mad with the sealant when you refit the pan. Make sure the block and sump are clean and degreased with brake cleaner or similar.

    Lots of polo knowledge on here to tap into. Also have a read of Gavin's cheapy GTI thread .

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Ipswich, QLD
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    I had a feeling i wasn't the only one to experience a plastic dipstick guide shattering.

    Thank for the advice. I'll make sure i keep the gasket goo to a minimum and clean the mating surfaces (and everything else) properly before refitting.

    Back to browsing!

    My Regards

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
    Users Country Flag

    I posted some manuals in the stickied at the top of the polo section. The engine is in there. Might be worth a read before you star

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