The family had a 2015 Golf and a 2019 Tiguan. We’ve deleted the Golf and lashed out for an Amarok Highline 580. Have to keep the indicators on the same side.
Waiting for the Rok to arrive in early March.
We camp a lot and a Tiguan was better than a Golf for carrying gear but we do have a fair amount of gear (and my partner owns the Tig and wants to keep it nice).
Also it’s a bit of late life crisis. I really wanted one in Tornado Red but that’s not available and they’ve deleted that colour for 2021. So Ravenna Blue. We were out at Broken Hill at Christmas and blue vehicles really stand out against the red dirt
Looking forward to some trips and getting even more gear. Already planned a ute lid, bed rug and will get some recovery points once the wallet recovers a bit. Plan mostly more touring and glamping - not so much the bush bashing - but we will see what happens over time. Eventually hope for a big trip and that will require more hardware.
Came here for recommendations and the shared enthusiasm.