Just over two years ago it was time to look for my first car, I'm very lucky to have such generous parents and had saved up enough money to spend about $20k (I still can't believe how lucky I am to have spent this much on a first car).
What to choose?
Well when I was younger I had always wanted a Suzuki Swift Sport, but they aren't exactly thought of as a "cool" first car, especially for a guy. I was more interested in either an SV6 or an XR6, came pretty close to grabbing a VEII SV6 for a good price from a dealership but was put off at the last minute by the log book showing the car was a rental in outback Australia. My parents made my think about the fact that maybe a big Australian sedan wasn't such a great idea. So we started looking elsewhere. Maybe a brand new lancer? Had a look at one, cheap rubbish.
My mum suggested the Golf, okay, yeah, Golfs are cool but I didn't really know much about them. Did some research, I knew a GTI was out of the question and found the 77tsi, 90tsi and 118tsi. At the time I only had my Auto licence so it had to be a DSG. Figured I could afford the 90 or 118 comfortline so went for a test drive in a 90tsi. It was nice, quite, comfortable, great features, build and quality are amazing but the car wasn't really exciting, especially in that "silver leaf" colour, which I really didn't like.
Parents said they had found a car they wanted me to take a look at. Went down to a dealership in South Perth, a 118tsi comfortline in Candy White, looked great, took it for a test drive, still didn't feel like it had much "go" with four of us in the car but it was more then fast enough for me.Twodays later the car was sat in our driveway. Six months later I got my licence, I've always been interested in cars, but now I had my own and could do what I wanted with it. When I started driving on my own and "pushing" the car a bit more I found it had more to give then I originally expected, especially with the quick changes of the DSG.
I really enjoyed owning the car and became a bit of Volkswagen enthusiast.
I bought a few bits and pieces for the car:
OE Floor mats
Seat adjuster inserts
LED Licence plate lights and LED interior lights
After I finished school and got a proper job I started spending more on the car.
Here is a timeline on what's happened since then. (With Pictures)
MK 7 Highline Wheels $900 shipped sold the 16" for $450
Really like the look of the new wheels, but that gap.
H&R Sport Springs
Loved the look and the car drove quite a lot better, still a bit boaty though...
Fog Lights and Highline Grille
And with the grille....
Just recently had the car tinted
That's it for now! (Sort of)
In my bedroom I've got sitting:
Sill scuff plates
Superchips Bluefin
I'm excited to see what the car is going to be like with these performance upgrades!
If you've got this far, thanks for taking a look!
I'm a pretty keen driveway detailer too! So I do Like my car nice and clean
I'll leave you with some shots I've collected over the time with the car
Thanks for reading everyone! Looking forward to getting involved in the forum as I've been using it for ages to get help and ideas.