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Thread: MPP- Can I get my car serviced at different dealership than where purchased

  1. #1
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    MPP- Can I get my car serviced at different dealership than where purchased

    My 2yr service is due for my Golf. I assumed that you’d be able to get your car serviced at any VW dealership and not forgo any benefits. I now live a long way from where I purchased the vehicle, and travelling back there is not viable.
    However upon reading my paperwork, it states I must get my car serviced at the dealership stated where I purchased the vehicle. It says I will lose my Mechanical Protection Plan otherwise.
    I went to book in online at my closest dealer and the quoted price was a lot more than what I remember being told the 2yr service would be at time of purchase.
    I can’t remember what the MPP actually entails as it was 2 years ago I went through everything with the dealership at purchase.
    if anyone can help me out with any info here it’d be much appreciated.
    Last edited by Melb2022; 02-10-2022 at 02:37 PM.

  2. #2
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    You can legally get your car serviced by any licensed or qualified mechanic.
    Sounds like you bought one of those dealer shonky rubbish mechanical "insurance" plans which you dont need during warranty period. What did it cost and how long is it for. Sounds like you were ripped off Did you also buy paint protection and tint as well?????

    I have had 4 VW in last 11 years and 3 of of them were never serviced at the dealers I bought them at. Reason, at the time i bought them they were only available at a dealer on the Southside when I live north of Brissie.

    Last one, local dealer had the chance but stuffed me around with price and availability so next day I bought one off the truck at next closest dealer. Brought it home and get it serviced at the local one who are happy to do it and also have done minor warranty fixes without a problem.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  3. #3
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    If it's a genuine VW extended warranty, any dealer can take care of it. If it is an industry protection plan from a 3rd party insurer/provider you had better read the fine print. In any case a call to the ACCC would clarify your position. During your warranty period of 5 years any dealer can service your car, or indeed any qualified mechanic with an ABN Number on their invoice. Cheers-John

  4. #4
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    I knew from a panel beater that the paint protection was a rip off. But got 2 calls with them giving me the hard sell. Was disappointing after spending a lot on a new car, being told I’ll have issues turning down the “offer” on this. Also offered something to protect the seats as well.
    The Mechanical Protection Plan was included in the price. I guess as a “bundle deal. So I didn’t pay extra for it specifically, but probably did in the end. I still don’t actually know what it gives me. The wording is very ambiguous on these things. That try to mislead you into thinking you need it. I think possibly, it’s an extra year warranty. But I can’t get every service with the same dealer when I’m nowhere near them.
    Also, I was never given a service booklet. It seems this is a way they can encourage you to het serviced at the same place.
    I’ve read here, that it’s becoming common, to not get a booklet.
    It can turn a customer against them, when they’re misleading on such things, but they likely make far more than they lose from these tactics.

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    Thank you. At the time, I remember being told I need to get it serviced at that dealership. I was offended they’d thought I’d believe it. Knew that wasn’t true. I think they may have said that based on the “Mechanical Protection Plan”. Anything from Volkswagen I read, seems to make it deliberately ambiguous using marketing phrases etc. Hard to get a clear answer on anything. I spoke to someone in the service department, who honestly had never heard of it. Certainly worth reading the fine print, which I imagine, 95%. Taking everyone at their word can cause issues, and seems to be different depending on who you talk to. Cheers.

  6. #6
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    I would have asked for $1000 off instead of the plan because "nothing is free" regardless of what they say is in the price. If you think you "didnt" pay for it well dont worry about it and get it serviced locally. You have at least 5 years warranty so why does anyone need another warranty as you can only claim on one.
    You got shafted .!!!!! They tried that on me and said you have to talk to the "product assistance Lady" I said Im not talking to any Ming Moll so dont bother. She did talk but I didnt listen and told her straight Im not interested in anything you are trying to sell so save your breath End of discussion LOL
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
    Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan

  7. #7
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    @Melb2022 whatever your dealer sold you is yours to deal with now but here are some facts.

    All new Volkswagen passenger vehicles in Australia come with a 5 year warranty. The details for that warranty are in your owners folder or you can look up the VW site Volkswagen Warranty | Owners & Service | Volkswagen Australia
    Under Australian consumer law the warranty is valid if the vehicle is serviced in accordance with manufacture guidelines, this means at any service provider or the service work being performed by anyone following those guidelines.
    You can have servicing done by any dealership.

    VW Australia have fixed price servicing, see this page for pricing Service Pricing Guide | Volkswagen Australia
    This is what authorised VW dealers will charge you, if they are outside of these costs then you need to question why.

    The aftermarket Mechanical Protection Plan, where I don't know for sure what you have here, sounds like a very limited plan to keep you tied to your purchasing dealer for servicing. You will find this is very limited to what is actually covered, the policy will include some costs to you if repairs exceed a particular value and a whole range of not covered items, like electronics.

    If your VW breaks after the 5 year warranty and you have not done something to cause that than you are still protected under consumer law.

    Current VWs have electronic service books. This means there is no physical service book to look at but the vehicle's details are recorded by VW Australia. If you service your vehicle (anywhere) than you should receive an invoice or service record which you can keep with your owners folder. If you need any servicing (and warranty/recall) details any VW dealer can print off physical copies for you. Handy on selling outside of VW dealers.

    Don't feel too upset as many new players have been bent over this same barrel and the dealer has used a sandpaper glove to extract your hard earned cash. Additional protection plans, paint protection, fabric and/or leather protection, wheel/tyre protection, window tinting, aftermarket accessories and additional warranties are the money earners for dealerships. They make a good profit from it and you walk away feeling like your brand new ride will be covered for life.
    Flipper Dog
    Now - T-Roc R, Audi Q5
    Past VWs- T-Roc R-Line, Golf 6, 7 and 7.5, Touareg 7L and 7P, Passat B5.5, Polo MK3, Polo MK4 and GTI

  8. #8
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    Thanks heaps for the advice. I’m not actually that naive when it comes to sales tactics. I was well aware that the upswell of paint protection was a waste of $$. Have panel beaters in my family.
    All in all, I’m happy as I think I could get all or possibly all my money back if I were to sell today. Just clicked over 5,000km. Paid $29k for a Trendline 2 years ago. The cheapest new Golf costs a lot more now.

  9. #9
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    I totally agree mate. I’m very happy a panel beater relative tipped me off about the paint protection. Funny how it’s always a super attractive lady pushing the upsell.

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