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Thread: MK 1 GTI Golf Cabby owner from NZ

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2021
    Christchurch NZ
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    MK 1 GTI Golf Cabby owner from NZ

    Greetings from NZ. I am a Newbie from New Zealand! I have a Mk1 Golf GTI (1985 Cabriolet) looking for a bit of advice.

    MK 1 Golf’s appear to be like ‘hens teeth’ over here so I thought I would cast my net a bit wider for some advice, my son is keen to get my car back on the road after 8 years and I have struck a wee obstacle....

    I am trying to replace the delivery fuel pump located by the rear right wheel.

    I have the original fuel pump holder body, but a garage had removed this and fitted a substitute bracket. Does anyone have an original set up and can advice where the original fuel pump holder attaches to the chassis? I would also like to confirm how the crook shaped fuel metal pipe running between the swirl pot and fuel pump routes over the axle.

    Many thanks,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2021
    Christchurch NZ
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    Thanks Dub Crazy, I appreciate that suggestion. I didn't explain myself properly, I have the parts, new fuel pump and original fuel pump holder, just need to work out what the fuel pump holder attaches on to.

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