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Thread: Longtime Golf nut, new forum member.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Users Country Flag

    Longtime Golf nut, new forum member.

    Hi My name is Scott, I've owned a few VeeDubs over the vears, Starting with a 74 Beetle back in the 90's then a strting of Golfs Starting with a Mk1 4 door, that I regret selling to this day. a mk3, mk4 and currently a V5 Bora. I've been searching for the right Mk1 project for about 12 months now and have finally found it with change.
    So I'm about to embark on a couple of pretty cool projects, starting with a 76 swallowtail that that is just the nicest example you'll find (except for the hit in the rear!) It goes into the shop on Saturday to get straightened out before I bring her home to finish repairing. I'm pretty excited, so I'll start a build thread soon.

    Cheers, Scott.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Braidwood, rural NSW
    Users Country Flag

    Welcome to the forum.

    That's a pretty big hit, 3 x MK1's in one go. Your missus must be so pis.ed off with you.

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