Personally the days of a buffing pad on the end of a drill are long gone for me. It is really awkward (ergonomically) to polish like this and you have very little control over the polishing because of various reasons:
1) Some drills cannot be set to a certain speed and stay there (for consistency and optimal speed). So you risk going too slow and not generating enough heat to allow the polish to perform at its best, or you go too fast and risk burning the paint due to friction heating up the paint to a point where it can be damaged.
2) because of the length of the drill + the attachment + the buff pad you have very little control over the buffer. Its awkward 100% of the time but worse on the bonnet and roof.
I would seriously invest $120 in one of these at the very least.
ToolPRO Dual Action Polisher 240V 720W 150mm | Supercheap Auto
Even if you sell it for $80 bucks after you have used it on your car, it will be worth it. Otherwise pop it in the cupboard as you will no doubt use it again.
These dual action polishers are literally fool proof for people with little to no experience in polishing cars, but give really great results without risking any damage to the paint. I have a dual action polisher myself (a different brand but very much the same design and concept) and have done for about 8 years now - they are great and definitely worth the investment.
And if you want better quality / more powerful machine that the ToolPro one
Meguiars Autocosmetica DA Polisher 5 Backing Plate PRO-15 | Automotive Superstore