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Thread: I've Finally Done It!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Central Coast
    Users Country Flag

    I've Finally Done It!


    Finally stopped just reading and ready to contribute (if asking questions is actually contributing).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Central Coast
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter

    Here is my Golf R MY17.5...

    I've Finally Done It!-img_1497-jpg

    One of the first in the country. Registered in July '17 and I Picked it up from Castle Hill on 29/11/17 after putting a deposit on 22/11/17. Lucky strike (and yes, I payed a premium for the pleasure) and wholly worth the extra... Got to drive it through the Christmas break and stop my heart a few times when I saw the HPatrol on the approach . I got it with 2317 on the clock.

    It was a Head Office VW demostrator for journo's and the like...

    Probably not so well run-in or, it was really well run-in... depends on who you talk to, I guess. Either way, it's a Golf R that's got provenance and at the very least, has proven itself on the track... and in my time with it, on the local roads

    Meanwhile, I had it coated in Pomponazzi 880-XX by "Haus of Detail" at Wetherill Park in late January and had the front windows tinted to match the privacy tint. It's about to go for its first service tomorrow morning.

    So, are there any suggestions as to what I could ask about from the service dept. ???

    When I can find it, I'll post a screenshot from my car on a journo's "test drive"...
    Last edited by 1ofThe1st; 07-06-2018 at 12:47 PM.

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