I've done this a few times now in different cars. As you have discovered, finding buttons with the right artwork on them is near impossible unless you have a Golf. I'm planning on doing this again in my Wifes Multivan and like you I'll be stuck with whatever button I can find rather than a garage door one.
Here is where I did it last time around, essentially you are just wiring across the button of your stock remote to your new switch, you should be able to simply solder to the two contacts on either side of the button.
The hints I would suggest are to wire in bullet connectors or similar in line so you can remove it should you need to. Also make sure you locate the remote somewhere that's easily accessible for when you need to replace the battery (yes, just use the battery in the remote, it's cheap and easy to replace and while you could hardwire it, just keep it simple).
Adding an additional button to your MK6 (The Button Mk2) Remote Garage Door Open