Hi there,
Newbie here in the forum but not new to VW. I currently have a VW Passat 130TDI 2015. In the past I had a Gol and a Vento (models from Argentina).
I found the forum looking how to update the maps, driving me crazy so far. I hope I find the answer soon.
See you around!
Fun fact:
Do you know why the Jetta is called Vento instead in Argentina??
Well I don't know why is called Vento but I know why is NOT called Jetta. Jetta has 2 meanings in argentinian (spanish) slang.
- If you pronounce it as in english, it means "jinx".
- If you pronounce it in spanish (spanish J or JOTA) it is the slang for "face".
So not a good name a all. I can't imagine myself driving a jinx car haha