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Thread: Hi all

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    Hi all

    Hi everyone, thanks for having me
    I'm actually a Renault guy but my partner and her dad both have Volkswagen's so I'm slowly learning.
    I'll be hanging around here to learn about golf's and amaroks as I'll probably end up working on them a bit. We're also considering a transporter or multivan in the future for some camping adventures so will be lurking on those sections too haha

    Thanks again all

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Users Country Flag
    Hi and welcome. Geez surely the VW's are a bit of a step up from a Renault?

    Plenty of Golf and Amarok owners and info on here. Come to think of it, also plenty of Transporter/Multivan owners too.

    Im a Newcastle local too.

    First things to know/buy if you are going to attempt to work on a VW.......torx bits and a scan tool. For scan tool, many use and recommend the OBD11 device, but I use the Carista device and honestly it does everything most people would ever want/need and it about half the price of the OBD11 unit.

    Link to the Carista device, then you need the Carista app on your smartphone and its about $70 for a 12 month subscription. Use it once or twice and it pays for itself. Very handy tool.

    Carista OBD2 Diagnostic Scanner – Android and iOS | AutoInstruct
    Last edited by Lucas_R; 27-02-2024 at 10:35 AM.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

    2015 Audi SQ5 bi-turbo V6 TDI family hauler

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Users Country Flag
    Welcome aboard.

    I've been a bit slack and haven't been around the forum much but I hope to rectify that!
    2018 Crafter Runner
    T5.1 6sp manual.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2024
    Thread Starter

    Thanks all, sorry for the slow replying.
    Appreciate the advice, the Renaults a lightly modded RS250 that will always be my baby but the VW's are growing on me haha
    The French love torx bits so I'm good there, picked up a set of spline bits too.

    Also picked up a Multivan haha
    Hi all-pxl_20240301_231614531-mp-jpg
    It's got a half dead dsg ands lots of oil leaks but was dirt cheap so I'm sure I'll be asking lots of questions on here!
    I ordered an eBay vcds cable cause it was the first thing to pop up so will give that a play if it ever shows up, if no luck then I'll sus out Carista, thanks for the tip off

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