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Thread: Hello! I'm John X. from Southern California!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Chino, California
    Users Country Flag

    Post Hello! I'm John X. from Southern California!

    Hello all,
    I'd like to introduce myself and tell you how I got to know VWWatercooled. I've been driving a used '09 VW Jetta Sportwagen for about a year and making some modifications to the car lately, mainly the infotainment system. At one point I got stuck on getting my new radio (Audiosources DNS 810) to work properly so I googled for a solution on google. It turns out, the only valid community out there that discusses about the problems of this non-OEM radio is VWWatercooled.

    I look forward into being a part of this community. Thanks Admin for restoring my account!

    By the way, what does it mean when someone says "bump" on a forum?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
    Users Country Flag
    Hey John, welcome to the forum.

    Bump is usually used by those with advertisements. A new post in a thread will move it to the top, bumping it up.


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Braidwood, rural NSW
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    Quote Originally Posted by jigzie View Post
    By the way, what does it mean when someone says "bump" on a forum?
    You've heard of the term "Drop Bears"? It relates to Koalas dropping out of trees and attacking unwary people below. Anyone who has been attacked by these ferocious animals is refered to as being "bumped". Please don't believe the tourist hype about them being cute and friendly, those you see on TV have been drugged with enough sleeping tablets to stop an elephant.

    Honest, trust me, I'm an Aussie.



  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Chino, California
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter
    haha okay, I'll keep an eye out for these "drop bears".

    can anyone tell me why I see so many bumps in certain ads? I have no intention of bumping threads...

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Mexico
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    Quote Originally Posted by jigzie View Post
    haha okay, I'll keep an eye out for these "drop bears".

    can anyone tell me why I see so many bumps in certain ads? I have no intention of bumping threads...
    Because the part hasn't sold. The seller bumps the thread to the top.


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