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Thread: Golf 7 Voice control - solution

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Brisbane QLD

    Golf 7 Voice control - solution

    Hi Everyone,

    Long term lurker, first time poster. Have a solution for the non-functioning voice control button on the steering wheel for all AUS Mk7 Golf's.

    I've been in contact with head office in SYD, and advised a software update will allow the button to function correctly, a la siri ect. I believe European models already have it activated. Spoke with various dealerships and advised that yes software update will correct it and out at some point next year, before July.

    There's a catch.
    VW will be charging for the software update. No price has been set yet.

    It'd be great to hear your thoughts...

    Mine are that its a simple software update that should be covered under warranty as device isn't functioning as correctly described in manual and purchase catalogue.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    If anyone is going to get this done, get a VCDS scan completed before and after so we can see what coding changes... should be easy enough to replicate

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by dizzylizzy View Post
    Hi Everyone,

    Long term lurker, first time poster. Have a solution for the non-functioning voice control button on the steering wheel for all AUS Mk7 Golf's.

    I've been in contact with head office in SYD, and advised a software update will allow the button to function correctly, a la siri ect. I believe European models already have it activated. Spoke with various dealerships and advised that yes software update will correct it and out at some point next year, before July.

    There's a catch.
    VW will be charging for the software update. No price has been set yet.

    It'd be great to hear your thoughts...

    Mine are that its a simple software update that should be covered under warranty as device isn't functioning as correctly described in manual and purchase catalogue.
    DizzyLizzy: This issue has been a pet interest of mine since I purchased my MK7 in June this year. I've written a few posts here about the dreaded Voice Control fiasco and the outcome of my discussions with WV Aust since I lodged my original complaint almost 4 months ago.

    The dealership where I bought the car alluded to the "software upgrade" that your mentioned in your post. However, VW Aust. say that the only way that Voice Control can be implemented in the current MK7 Highline series is to implement a harware upgrade (as well as the software patch, I think).

    Although VWA have been somewhat guarded in their explanation, my understanding is that the fix requires an upgraded version of the display unit (Discovery Pro). VW Aust have indicated that the upgraded display is an accessory that will be out shortly. But the term "shortly" for VW Aust. doesn't have its common meaning (they have been saying this for almost 6 weeks now)! Anyway, when this fix eventually comes out, I expect that an additional charge will be necessary for those of us that were silly enough to be duped into believing the advertising brochure that was released for the Mk7 (which I understand was subsequently altered to remove the voice control functionality).

    I've asked VW Aust. to send me a written position statement regarding their response to my query, but this simple (and I think, reasonable) request is proving to be problematic.
    As I have mentioned before in my posts, there appears to be an endemic culture of denial with warranty issues at VW Aust. which is a shame because the vehicle itself is otherwise a good car?

    I suggest that the more of us that make a noise about this, the more likley it will be that we will receive a reasonable response from VW Aust (this is a classic case of the squeaky wheel syndrome)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    The new Golf Which Model : Volkswagen UK

    You can see that voice control is an option for 50 quid that is NOT available with the Discover Pro. I suspect that means it's standard with Discover Pro.

    So you should be able to get it without changing the head unit.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoggieHowser View Post
    The new Golf Which Model : Volkswagen UK

    You can see that voice control is an option for 50 quid that is NOT available with the Discover Pro. I suspect that means it's standard with Discover Pro.

    So you should be able to get it without changing the head unit.
    DouggieHowser: I suspect that you are correct in your assertion. Just received an email from VW Aust. Contrary to their previous advice that there needed to be a hardware change for the Voice Control fix, they are now saying that only a software patch is needed (I have absolutely no idea why they have changed their view). Anyway apparently the fix has arrived at the dealership. I've booked the vehicle in for Thursday. Let's see what eventuates!

    50 quid for the option of voice control? Hmm... cheaper to just shout at the passenger and tell him/her to turn off/on the audio I reckon!

  6. #6
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    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    DouggieHowser: I suspect that you are correct in your assertion. Just received an email from VW Aust. Contrary to their previous advice that there needed to be a hardware change for the Voice Control fix, they are now saying that only a software patch is needed (I have absolutely no idea why they have changed their view). Anyway apparently the fix has arrived at the dealership. I've booked the vehicle in for Thursday. Let's see what eventuates!

    50 quid for the option of voice control? Hmm... cheaper to just shout at the passenger and tell him/her to turn off/on the audio I reckon!
    I think the 50 quid might have included adding the voice control button on the steering wheel.

    Which you already paid for.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    It should be free as the functionality should have been there from the start.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Out of curiosity do you have the comfort or high line?

    I have the comfort line and begging to think the hardware might not be capable of it, with or without the upgrade.

    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    DizzyLizzy: This issue has been a pet interest of mine since I purchased my MK7 in June this year. I've written a few posts here about the dreaded Voice Control fiasco and the outcome of my discussions with WV Aust since I lodged my original complaint almost 4 months ago.

    The dealership where I bought the car alluded to the "software upgrade" that your mentioned in your post. However, VW Aust. say that the only way that Voice Control can be implemented in the current MK7 Highline series is to implement a harware upgrade (as well as the software patch, I think).

    Although VWA have been somewhat guarded in their explanation, my understanding is that the fix requires an upgraded version of the display unit (Discovery Pro). VW Aust have indicated that the upgraded display is an accessory that will be out shortly. But the term "shortly" for VW Aust. doesn't have its common meaning (they have been saying this for almost 6 weeks now)! Anyway, when this fix eventually comes out, I expect that an additional charge will be necessary for those of us that were silly enough to be duped into believing the advertising brochure that was released for the Mk7 (which I understand was subsequently altered to remove the voice control functionality).

    I've asked VW Aust. to send me a written position statement regarding their response to my query, but this simple (and I think, reasonable) request is proving to be problematic.
    As I have mentioned before in my posts, there appears to be an endemic culture of denial with warranty issues at VW Aust. which is a shame because the vehicle itself is otherwise a good car?

    I suggest that the more of us that make a noise about this, the more likley it will be that we will receive a reasonable response from VW Aust (this is a classic case of the squeaky wheel syndrome)

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by dizzylizzy View Post
    Out of curiosity do you have the comfort or high line?

    I have the comfort line and begging to think the hardware might not be capable of it, with or without the upgrade.
    DizzyLizzy: My Golf is a 103TSI Highline. My understanding from the VW Brochure that I got when I purchased the vehicle is that the hardware/software version that allowed Voice Control was called the "Discover Media audio system" . This unit was supplied as standard on the Highline series (both the 103TSI ans the 110TDI).

    The 90TSI series (including the Comfortline) was supplied standard with a unit called the "Composition Media audio system". My brochure says that it is possible to upgrade the 90TSI to the Discover Media audio system as an option. I'm not sure what this would cost, but VW have a reputation for charging like a wounded bull when it comes to options!

    Whereas the Discover Media description in the brochure that I have talks about Voice Control functionality, there is no mention of this in the description of the Composition Media. So, I suspect (alas) that adding Voice Control to your 90 TSI Comfortline may be problematic with the stardard gear (i.e. without the upgrade option). If it's any comfort, my view after some months experience with the Discover Media system is that it would be a wast of money to buy this option. The Sat Nav is low quality and reception on the FM radio is lousy.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    DizzyLizzy: The 90TSI series (including the Comfortline) was supplied standard with a unit called the "Composition Media audio system". My brochure says that it is possible to upgrade the 90TSI to the Discover Media audio system as an option.
    I suspect the option is provided when optioning the Sat Nav on the Comfortline.

    Edit: Ignore the above, I didn't read your post properly lol
    Last edited by veew; 04-12-2013 at 04:27 AM.

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