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Thread: Foray into VW land

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Users Country Flag

    Foray into VW land

    Hi all

    My name is Tom, but everyone calls me TJ. Have mucked around with cars for a long time, but this is my first step into a VW.

    As a background, my last few cars

    - GT Forester, sti converted, heavily modified
    - GT Forester, sti converted, heavily modified
    - Corolla Sportivo, every bit of suspension chaged, intake, exhaust
    - GF8 WRX, bare metal rebuild (Ford focus white paint, Sti RA interior and bits)
    - RS Liberty, heavily modified
    - JZX100 with basic mods

    You can see the pattern. However, work life etc has changed, these days I sit in peak hour traffic a lot and have less time for cruises/skid pan etc. I lovvvved my last Forester, but it was the wrong car.

    On wed night, I sold it

    I bought this yesterday

    MY10 Highline FSI

    DSG replaced under VW extended warranty, big deciding factor in buying the car. First impressions - actually quite nippy but obviously a bit slower than my Forester was. Refined - very very nice to drive. Low rpm DSG decision making is crap.

    I have joined so I can get some ideas on what is the right and wrong to do to these.

    Intentions atm

    - Tint
    - Tune
    - Wheels and lower to suit

    About it. Might do a dump also. I want it to be a comfy and sensible daily so wont be going nuts on it.

    Look forward to having a read around the place.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Great looking Jetta,you are going to love it.
    I would leave the stock wheels on,it suits them SO well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter

    Bluefin ordered

    And hopefully have sorted a set of these...

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