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Thread: First timer - Passat CC

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Glen iris, Victoria

    Smile First timer - Passat CC

    Hi everyone. I am going to order a new car in the next week and this forum has helped convince me to get the v6 passat cc over an audi quattro (2.0T or 3.0D). I currently drive a Lexus RX350 and have had Subarus (WRX,B4). I am looking at getting the cc with all the fruit (ie every options box ticked) but have 2 questions.
    1. Visually, I was thinking black with beige leather, sunroof and walnut trim. What to you think of this combination?
    2. How long will I need to wait if I do not compromise and get stock which is already on the boat?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    S.E Melbourne
    Users Country Flag
    Hey mate welcome aboard!

    1. definitely need the sunroof in whatever colour you get, personally I like I icelandic grey with the black leather and the brushed aluminium trim. but seriously its a CC it's going to look amazing in what ever trim/colour/leather you get it in.

    2. no idea what your waiting time would be but seriously doubt the would have any fully kitted out stock already on its way.

    any way once you have it you need to be at every VIC meet so I can stand around droolling at it
    Quote Originally Posted by Preen59 View Post
    It doesn't matter what car you drive.. If you're a complete wanker.. People still won't want to talk to you..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Ringwood North ,Vic

    I ordered mine mid december and it is expected to be delivered late July early august.
    Mine has almost every option ticked.
    I guess we just have to wait.
    Passat CC V6 black ,beige interior with woodgrain

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