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Thread: First Car, Polo GTi 2007 MY08

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Sydney, NSW
    Users Country Flag

    First Car, Polo GTi 2007 MY08

    Hi all, I'm David and I'm a recent new owner of a Polo GTi.
    Very happy with my first car =]
    Beautiful silver Polo that is stock.

    Joined this forum to find out more information from those experienced with fiddling with their car.
    The first thing I'm thinking of is an ecu upgrade.

    I live in Sydney near Parramatta and was wondering if anyone could recommend a place to get it done for a reasonable price.

    Also if anybody knows where to get a replacement front grille inclusive of all badges. Previous owner changed the VW badge to black and removed all the GTi badges. Red line was snapped too =[

    Looking forward to being a part of an awesome community. Haven't been here long but everybody seems to be friendly and have a wealth of knowledge to share.


    Edit: Will add pictures soon.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
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    Welcome to the forum.

    If you'd like to try a Phase 1 tune, I have an ECU with no immobiliser that you can borrow. It's not too hard to fit. You can roll around for a week if you like.

    Send me a PM if that's of interest. $799 would be the price if you chose to go ahead.



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Gold Coast, Queensland
    Users Country Flag

    Welcome to the forum mate, great car and colour choice. Same as me! If a tune is what your after then Gav is your man. ^^

    The ECU tune from Gav is the best bang for your buck you'll find in terms of performance without changing the cars hardware
    Last edited by louis19; 20-04-2015 at 08:27 AM.
    2006 GTI Polo - Big Turbo Build - Louis19's Build Thread

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