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Thread: Engine Problem with Jetta 2010- Please HELP

  1. #1
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    Apr 2018
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    Angry Engine Problem with Jetta 2010- Please HELP

    I have a Jetta 2010, 1.4, petrol. I recently noticed that its misfiring and burning oil. Had someone look at it and they think the issue is with one of the cylinders. I've been filling it with 5W30 semi-synthetic so far and has been driving well. However, last few days it has lost power, cannot drive more than 60 kmh and engine light keeps flashing. Would changing oil to a thicker higher viscosity oil help? Can I prolong the life of the engine by using a thicker oil?? Any suggestions on what to do? the power loss has been sudden and as soon as I switch on the car the engine light starts to flash and I get the "check the engine" message and also vibrates especially at idle.

    I got a quote from a mechanic near Parramatta (west Sydney) for 3.5k for a rebuild, does anyone know if this is a fair price. (I dont have this money now and wont have for a couple of months). The car only has 95000km on it.

    I am new to Australia and bought this car a few months ago, according to VW the previous owner knew about this issue but didnt tell me.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Last edited by fatabass; 23-04-2018 at 07:48 PM.

  2. #2
    Hey Fat, do you have access to a scanner tool? Sounds like a faulty coil pack?
    if you scan the car it may be showing up a code similar to : p0303 cylinder 3 misfire detected.
    I have had this previously and the car ran like crap, epc light, engine light, swapped out the coil pack and it was fine.
    It seems almost a need to have a scanner for vws to help guide diagnosis.


  3. #3
    If you do not have access to an obd scanner, let me know. I have one at the moment. If it means you may not need to rebuild an engine It may well be worth the scan!

  4. #4
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    Where are you based? I live in Blacktown. How much would it cost?

  5. #5
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    I took it to a mechanic and he said its definitely cylinder number 3! Can I do any other thing beside rebuilding the engine at the moment? From what I know engine light flashing is not good and in this instance means I definitely have to fix the problem with the engine?

    Do you know any trustworthy mechanic in Sydney who can rebuild VW and not going to charge me a fortune (and would do a good job)? I rang a few mechanic but they quote $6-$8k, which is almost the price of the car!


  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatabass View Post
    I took it to a mechanic and he said its definitely cylinder number 3! Can I do any other thing beside rebuilding the engine at the moment? From what I know engine light flashing is not good and in this instance means I definitely have to fix the problem with the engine?

    Do you know any trustworthy mechanic in Sydney who can rebuild VW and not going to charge me a fortune (and would do a good job)? I rang a few mechanic but they quote $6-$8k, which is almost the price of the car!

    If this is the 1.4L twincharge engine then its a very common issue. Best bet would be to install a 2nd hand engine from a wrecker and then sell the car and buy something reliable.
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  7. #7
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    Do you know a wrecker who will install and wont charge me a fortune?


  8. #8
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    Try Camden GTI - 02 4627 3072.

    They are VW specialists, nice guys and don't charge a fortune.

  9. #9
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    I tried Camden GTI and they suggest to sell it which I cant at the moment.

    Is there a way of finding out if catalyst converter is fine?

    The issue I have is that engine light starts flashing as soon as I switch on the engine, the car lost power and vibrates especially at idle. I want to know if I've damaged the catalyst converter too?


  10. #10

    Hey mate, sorry for the delay on replying. I work in Seven Hills. Not far from Blacktown.
    No cost to scan bud, I’m not a mechanic at all, won’t claim to be, just an enthusiast trying to helpnout.
    send me a pm and I’ll try to organise a time to come past

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