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Thread: Brake Change on SQ5 TDI 2014

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    Users Country Flag

    Brake Change on SQ5 TDI 2014

    Hi to all at Water Cooled, I have just purchased a pair of front rotors for mySQ5.
    The brand is Bremtech Evolve 380m x 36mm
    I purchased these after some research Ranging from an Audi original part to some after market OEM itesms,
    eg Zimmerman & DBA. The Bremtech were the best price of the bunch
    I was not to sure about t
    i was not to sure about the Bremtech , so i made contact with one of the original founders of Bremtech and felt comforable with the advice and confidence that the Bremtech are equal to the brands mentioned. Maybe im a sucker for believing the advice given, however the owner said if i was not happy he would refund the purchase Has anybody had any experiance with Bremtech Evolve Rotors. Also can anyone recommend a good brake pad, Thanks Paul

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Users Country Flag

    I have not used Bremtec disks but have used Bremtec pads on several of my cars and was happy with their quality and performance.

    The SQ5 disks are not cheap, so I can understand the want to shop around and find something a bit more affordable. Zimmerman are apparently the company who makes the disks for Audi. Im guessing ive got another 20,000-30,000km before I need to replace the disks on my SQ5, and was going to probably get Zimmerman just because i know a lot of the guys in USA use them and have good feedback. Let me know how you find the Bremtec disks once you have used them for a while and I may consider those also.

    As for pads, i recently replaced my Bremtec pads with Akebono ceramic pads and they are fantastic. Essentially zero dust, much more gentle on the disks, and no more annoying squeak when coming to a complete stop which is something I had with both the stock SQ5 pads and the Bremtec's.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

    2015 Audi SQ5 bi-turbo V6 TDI family hauler

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