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Thread: 94 VR6- Please help..and hey I'm new.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Crescent Head, NSW, 2440

    94 VR6- Please help..and hey I'm new.

    Hey well I am me and my first post is unfortunately a cry for help.
    I have a 94 VR6 and really need help:
    about 6 months ago I had a new radiator put in.
    I recently gave it to a friend in QLD and had the clutch replaced, straight after it started overheating. They tested the thermostat and had that replaced. I now have the car in NSW and it still overheats. Its fine when you drive it but you can control the fan that cools the engine by turning on and off the aircon, so if I drive and stop and don't leave the aircon on it will just sit there and the coolant in the bulb will boil and spit out about 2L of the overflow. I assume the sensor is broken and the mechanic in town is willing to just rig up something so the fan will keep running, but none of this happened before I had the clutch put in. There is no way for me to get it back to the same guy who put in the clutch/thermostat and I really don't want to. Anyone have any better ideas or thinks I really shouldn't macgyver the fan? something couldn't just be plugged in wrong or not plugged in at all? I am not a mechanic and I work 6 days and the mechanics looking at it are not used to anything European.

    This I really need as soon as possible my windscreen wipers are now also broken after fixing my clutch, they just jam once going up (don't blame him for this), I've been told a few of the teeth are broken and I need a new motor. Can anyone give me a number of someone who isn't going to rape me in NSW i can call to get a new motor delivered?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Bairnsdale & Ferntree Gully, Victoria
    Quote Originally Posted by Tourniquetsmiles View Post
    Hey well I am me and my first post is unfortunately a cry for help.
    I have a 94 VR6 and really need help:
    about 6 months ago I had a new radiator put in.
    I recently gave it to a friend in QLD and had the clutch replaced, straight after it started overheating. They tested the thermostat and had that replaced. I now have the car in NSW and it still overheats. Its fine when you drive it but you can control the fan that cools the engine by turning on and off the aircon, so if I drive and stop and don't leave the aircon on it will just sit there and the coolant in the bulb will boil and spit out about 2L of the overflow. I assume the sensor is broken and the mechanic in town is willing to just rig up something so the fan will keep running, but none of this happened before I had the clutch put in. There is no way for me to get it back to the same guy who put in the clutch/thermostat and I really don't want to. Anyone have any better ideas or thinks I really shouldn't macgyver the fan? something couldn't just be plugged in wrong or not plugged in at all? I am not a mechanic and I work 6 days and the mechanics looking at it are not used to anything European.

    This I really need as soon as possible my windscreen wipers are now also broken after fixing my clutch, they just jam once going up (don't blame him for this), I've been told a few of the teeth are broken and I need a new motor. Can anyone give me a number of someone who isn't going to rape me in NSW i can call to get a new motor delivered?
    can try sending a message to Golfloon on the forum, hes in sydney but maybe able to help you out. Good luck!
    Bora gone
    Vento VR6
    7P Touareg TDI

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Rockingham, WA
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    Hi, have you tried replacing the fan switch? Try and get one that comes on cooler than the original, I have one in my vr that kicks in on 80 and no probs

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    for windscreen wipers, the mechanism and motor a quite simple to change. as mentioned above, try asking Golf loon

    i'm sure the wiper motors, mechanisms and connections are universal across golf mk3.
    87' MK2 GTI
    13' MK7 TDI

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Crescent Head, NSW, 2440
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    Thank you all, I called golf loon today and ordered a new wiper motor, I wish joined here a very long time ago, feel like I've been paying people to learn about golfs for awhile now.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tourniquetsmiles View Post
    Thank you all, I called golf loon today and ordered a new wiper motor, I wish joined here a very long time ago, feel like I've been paying people to learn about golfs for awhile now.
    You're not wrong Loon's the boy. Sydney peeps got it easy!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Camden, Sydney
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    Thanks Guys
    Wiper mechanism left today, you should get it Monday.
    I cant help wondering if they didnt crack the thermostat housing when putting in the clutch, so the water is leaking out and thus, there is not enough in the system to make the sensor work to turn the fans on.
    Hard to fix that by remote control mate.
    Are you near Gold Coast or nearer Sydney?
    Camden GTI Performance. VW / AUDI Specialists
    All Mechanical Work, Log book Servicing, New and used Parts and Imports
    19-20/6 Badgally Road, Campbelltown, 2560
    02 4627 3072 or 0423 051737

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    really hope its not that, I live exactly halfway between both and work 6 days a week. Anyway I can even take a photo? I am not a mechanic but love this car enough to play around just afraid of breaking anything because without a car I am really stuck here. Anyone know a link I can dl a manual? Have a few mechanic type friends who will come visit but I can’t even disconnect the battery without setting of the immobiliser blah blah blah. I might be able to leave it with friends and borrow a car if i take it to the gold coast, can someone recommenced a mechanic there? There is a VW specialist in port but they really don't seem very helpful, charge too much and want to "start from scratch" before they will do anything and I won't pay someone to repeat tests I've already done. Really can't have this car break down because I will be completely cut off from everyone. And can drive it at the moment if i just leave the aircon on.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    The Gold coast try Jimmy Mac

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