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Thread: 2015 Polo Comfortline - Fuel Gauge always shows FULL

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Sydney, NSW
    Users Country Flag

    Wink 2015 Polo Comfortline - Fuel Gauge always shows FULL


    My 2015 Polo Comfortline is showing that the fuel tank is full whenever the ignition is on.
    The needle isn't stuck because it goes back to empty as soon as the ignition is turned off.

    Searching on here and the Internet generally indicates that the fuel guage can give problems but I haven't found a post with symptoms quite like mine.

    I've had the car from new, it hasn't given any troubles before.
    The person who filled the tank doesn't normally fill up but they have done it before.
    This issue was observed the day after filling up so there may possibly have been an event in the filling which triggered this.

    Is there anything to try before taking it back to the dealer and making it their problem?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Users Country Flag

    There could be an issue with the fuel sender in the tank.

    No biggie. Fairly common fault across many cars. Easy enough to test once it's out of the car.

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