Hi guys! New to the group and have come across this group while researching a major issue with my pride and joy my beloved 2010 T5 transporter Auto Diesel TDI. Has served me well till now and done 210,000klms

Whilst driving recently the serpentine belt on my T5 snapped taking out the timing (not breaking the belt) and doing a lot of major damage to the engine...
The mechanic has established that the Serpentine breaking has taken out the Timing and caused this all. Basically just as bad as timing belt breaking. Somehow the broken belt has got inside the timing area and knocked the timing out bending the valves. No compression. Nightmare!!!! Apparently after researching this it is a major fault with this engine... That I now find out... Vehicle unfortunately out of warranty and now looking at a full rebuild. Thanks VW for this design fault!

Quote for $6000 from a mechanic hasn't really made my day. Any help with any of these below questions would be great!

1. Basically would love some advice on whether this is worth the dollars to rebuild this engine? Knowing I can get the all the parts for less than $2000 is it really a Labour job of $4000? Not knowing enough about cars, is this reasonable.

2. Does anyone know a reasonable affordable Sydney based VW T5 mechanic who can do this? I can supply all the parts as I have contacts that can help me with all this. Just need someone who knows these T5 to do the job and give me a parts list. The is it worth doing this at all and just dropping a new recengine in it?

3. Am I better to get a mechanic drop another 2nd hand VW engine in it. What other vehicles engines are compatible with a 2010 T5??

Any help greatly appreciated. Not a great day as you can imagine!