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Thread: 2.0 TDI not starting, EGR issue? Manifold clean without removal?

  1. #1
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    2.0 TDI not starting, EGR issue? Manifold clean without removal?

    Picked up a cheap mk5 2.0 TDI and have put about 15000 kms on it.

    the other day it lost power going up a hill and was idling incredibly roughly.

    i turned it off, and gave ti some thought, then tried to restart and it wouldnt run.

    the engine cranks over fine but does not run.

    had a look on this forum and that led me to try pulling the EGR off and having a look. anyway, i was unable to get all three bolts off, but got two removed. I pivoted the EGR to one side and could see 3-5mm of crud buildup. i bolted it back together, and ordered a new EGR valve which i am waiting on.

    when i get the new EGR valve i will be pulling it out to replace it, any tips of cleaning the manifold in situ? Reckon my car will start?

    haha thanks


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    central coast. Lake Macquarie. (Not Port Macquarie.)
    Quote Originally Posted by snowbus View Post
    Picked up a cheap mk5 2.0 TDI and have put about 15000 kms on it.

    the other day it lost power going up a hill and was idling incredibly roughly.

    i turned it off, and gave ti some thought, then tried to restart and it wouldnt run.

    the engine cranks over fine but does not run.

    had a look on this forum and that led me to try pulling the EGR off and having a look. anyway, i was unable to get all three bolts off, but got two removed. I pivoted the EGR to one side and could see 3-5mm of crud buildup. i bolted it back together, and ordered a new EGR valve which i am waiting on.

    when i get the new EGR valve i will be pulling it out to replace it, any tips of cleaning the manifold in situ? Reckon my car will start?

    haha thanks

    How did you go , did the new part correct the issues , there has been a few threads on the process of cleaning over the years here.

  3. #3
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    Hey mate,

    went terribly. replaced the EGR valve in well under 20 minutes, cleaned out the part underneath it, the throttle body looking thing. Plugged it all back in and tried to turn it over. It was turning over, but really slowly, and sounded too smooth. hooked it up to my mates 4x4 and after a minute she was turning over fast enough but still not firing.

    tried maybe 4 or 5 times, same thing, would sound good on first compression but then sound like it was turning very quietly. Engine was turning over, starter was engaging properly, exhaust was pushing out on every compression.

    i didnt bother testing the fuel pump

    the car was throwing no codes, other than a airbag fault.

    at this stage i am assuming it is either the fuel pump or i've somehow managed to either blow a head gasket and am losing compression (which i think is unlikely seeing that no cylinders fired).

    it was 34 degrees C here today, so i don think it was the glowplugs or fuel gelling.

    im at a loss. towed it to the mechanic, will drop the keys to him tomorrow and bend over and get ready to take the reaming.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    central coast. Lake Macquarie. (Not Port Macquarie.)
    Quote Originally Posted by snowbus View Post
    Hey mate,

    went terribly. replaced the EGR valve in well under 20 minutes, cleaned out the part underneath it, the throttle body looking thing. Plugged it all back in and tried to turn it over. It was turning over, but really slowly, and sounded too smooth. hooked it up to my mates 4x4 and after a minute she was turning over fast enough but still not firing.

    tried maybe 4 or 5 times, same thing, would sound good on first compression but then sound like it was turning very quietly. Engine was turning over, starter was engaging properly, exhaust was pushing out on every compression.

    i didnt bother testing the fuel pump

    the car was throwing no codes, other than a airbag fault.

    at this stage i am assuming it is either the fuel pump or i've somehow managed to either blow a head gasket and am losing compression (which i think is unlikely seeing that no cylinders fired).

    it was 34 degrees C here today, so i don think it was the glowplugs or fuel gelling.

    im at a loss. towed it to the mechanic, will drop the keys to him tomorrow and bend over and get ready to take the reaming.
    Yes part of VW ownership unfortunately bending over.
    let us know how you go.

  5. #5
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    Turns out teh crank angle sensor was buggered but wasnt throwing a code.

    checked a cheap second hand one in there, and now she starts.

    travelled about 100km after this with low power, high fuel usage, hesitation while accelerating and rough idle. now the CEL came back on.

    i've checked all the vacuum hoses and they are in place. the EGR fitment was correct and used new gaskets.

    my cheap VAGcom reader isnt picking up any engine codes despite the CEL being on.

    any ideas?

    i'm stumped again.

  6. #6
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    Get it scanned with a proper scanner.
    2001 Bora 4 Motion Sport now used by number two son
    2011 Skoda Octavia Scout now with Underground Performance tune
    2010 Jetta 125 tdi dsg for the misses - Impressed
    2006 Polo GTI - Enhanced by some of Gav's magic - Absolutely loving it

  7. #7
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    i didnt find out what the engine code was, but the mechanic did a leak down test and found that teh exhaust valves on 2 and 3 are damaged, and you can see feel and hear air coming back into the airbox.

    drives rubbish, and even on teh drive back from the mechanics it seems to get more smokey with ever moment the engine is running.

    Mechanic reckons chuck a second hand engine in there?


  8. #8
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    in the last 15k it has had
    4 new tyres,
    timing belt service
    new EGR
    crankshaft position sensor
    new battery,
    new serpentine belt,
    major service with new plugs.

    it has 250k kms on it.

    not sure whether to just give up and go and buy a different car

  9. #9
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    Get a second opinion.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Very unusual for the valves to be burnt out. If the valves aren’t sealing then it would likely be because they are bent. That can only happen if the timing is out. How long ago was the timing belt done and who did it. If they are bent then a second hand engine is probably the cheapest option.
    Most of the items that you have on your list are normal service items including the timing belt. The EGR is the only one that isn’t but they are a known possible issue on high mileage diesels.
    I’m intrigued as to what new plugs were put in given that it is a diesel which doesn’t have spark plugs.
    If you were closer I’d be interested in purchasing your car as a project to fix up for my granddaughter’s first car. Is it manual or DSG?
    2001 Bora 4 Motion Sport now used by number two son
    2011 Skoda Octavia Scout now with Underground Performance tune
    2010 Jetta 125 tdi dsg for the misses - Impressed
    2006 Polo GTI - Enhanced by some of Gav's magic - Absolutely loving it

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