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Thread: 1st time VW owner, well, Spanish Golf !

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sharkie View Post
    The MK8 GTI is a different engine (for instance 9.6 compression vs 12.2) to yours. If you put the JB suitable for a MK8 GTI on your engine, you will take a significant risk in relation engine failure. Further Aus MK8 GTIs run EA888.3 vs EA888.4 for UK and USA versions.
    Hiya Sharkie,

    I'm tending to agree with you now, and with the added info from Flipper Dog, have decided that I'll just be happy with what I have now and wait to see what comes out.
    Curious to see what the boost level is with the DNNA engine given the compression ratio, but I guess the 'Budack Cycle' (Volkswagen Budack Engine Cycle Explained - Budack Engine Cycle Video) creates a different world to the old days where more boost = lower compression.

    In reality, 140kW & 320Nm is still decent, so will take leaned advice and wait

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael_B View Post
    Was is this pdf document from here ?

    EDIT : I've managed to translate the doc from German to english, but can't seem to upload/attach a pdf document.

    Happy to share both versions if anyone is interested.


    Nice find.
    The doc I have is the actual workshop manual from ERWIN, this gives you basic tabulated data and how to work on the engine.
    What you have found is a good source for understanding the various engine types.
    English version of SSP683 Attention Required! | Cloudflare

    1st time VW owner, well, Spanish Golf !-photo-front-cover-workshop-manual-jpg
    Last edited by Flipper Dog; 12-08-2024 at 05:44 PM.
    Flipper Dog
    Now - T-Roc R, Audi Q5
    Past VWs- T-Roc R-Line, Golf 6, 7 and 7.5, Touareg 7L and 7P, Passat B5.5, Polo MK3, Polo MK4 and GTI

  3. #23
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    I’ve downloaded the manuals from Erwin for the Leon V, but haven’t had a chance to look through them yet

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flipper Dog View Post
    Nice find.
    The doc I have is the actual workshop manual from ERWIN, this gives you basic tabulated data and how to work on the engine.
    What you have found is a good source for understanding the various engine types.
    English version of SSP683 Attention Required! | Cloudflare

    1st time VW owner, well, Spanish Golf !-photo-front-cover-workshop-manual-jpg
    Yep, found the Workshop Manual I downloaded for the Leon V and it also lists the DNNA variant. Cheers

    1st time VW owner, well, Spanish Golf !-service-jpg

  5. #25
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    Okay, since finding out a bit more re the Budack cycle and it accompanying high static compression ratio compared to the 180kW/221kW versions in the higher spec Cupra models, was wondering if there is any info out there (or how to determine) what the actual max boost pressure is for my 140kW/320Nm engine (DNNA) ?

    Given the high comp ratio and the recommended 95RON fuel, you'd think that it wasn't that that much that can be stuffed in there before detonation ?



  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sharkie View Post
    Thats both good news and bad news ... Great that it does indeed have 1 of the EA888.4 variants, the MK8 Golf GTI still on a EA888.3 !!!!

    Bad in that none of the tuning options out there will work on it at the moment. You will probably have to be a bit patient and let the tuners do their magic. I would not be putting any JB module on it as none of their options (at the moment) are designed to work with that particular engine.
    Whilst I'm waiting for the final bits to come so I can hopefully fix my plethora of fault codes (pinning my hopes on only being damaged ABS rings on the rear hubs), from the engine document that I found earlier from ES Performance, there are a few other MQB Platform cars that use the same DNNA engine - Audi Q2, Q3, Q3 Sportback, A3 Sportback, and A3 Lim. Also found that it is used in some Passat and Tiguan models, but these are on a different 'platform', so probably are not relevant to the Cupra Leon.

    So MQB + DNNA isn't such a unicorn thing after all ...
    1st time VW owner, well, Spanish Golf !-dnna-_-mqb-platform-installs-jpg

    So maybe the original JB4 module suggested by Christian from Auto Instruct is OK ?

    Either way, want to get it all running again after the brake fiasco, and then will look at the tuning box.

  7. #27
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    As a result of trying to figure out the Engine Code earlier, (which I did) I tried to find the Data/Options label that was often discussed and also mentioned in a recent thread.
    It seems that there is no requirement post 2021 for them to be fitted, so an email to the local dealer here in Adelaide (Solitaire Auto and the helpful Tim Savage) got me a printout of the key data and full options list (all 6 pages !!!).

    The key details for me was the confirmation of :
    Engine Code : DNNA
    Engine Option Code : DQ6 = 4 cyl SI Engine 2.0l/140kW TFSI
    T2C = 4 cyl SI Engine 2.0 l unit 06Q.A 888evo4 (many thought it was an evo3 engine)
    Transmission Code : VDD (no idea what that really means, as can't seem to find any info on it)
    2024 CUPRA Leon V Tribe Edition

  8. #28
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    Updated Trans data :

    Transmission Code : DQ381 (Option Code 0IJ) - From Wiki (Direct-shift gearbox - Wikipedia), it seems that it must be a DQ381-7F (front wheel drive)

    Would be interesting to know what DSG variant is fitted to the VZ (180kW) and VZx (221kW) models is.
    2024 CUPRA Leon V Tribe Edition

  9. #29
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    So, hopefully sorting out the fault code issues this weekend, as have replacement rear wheel hubs, ABS sensor already replaced and have the correct rear disc dust shields as well.

    Having a HUGE internal debate as the next mod to do. The two main options are a Tuning Box (several to choose from, but not settled on a supplier yet - either DTI, Burger JB4, DTE or ABT -in price order) or a new set of Mags.

    Found some Work EMotion D9R locally - 18x8.5JJ, ET47 and correct centrebore of 57.1. Using the wheel offset calculators on this forum, they sit 13mm further out and 13mm further in than std (7.5JJx18 ET46), and with the 235/40x18 tyres have a minor speedo error vs the std 225/40x18 tyres.

    Asking $2k for the wheels and tyres - 3 used rims with some gutter rash and 1 new (was cracked) and RE003 tyres

    1st time VW owner, well, Spanish Golf !-works-emotion-8-5jjx18-et47-235_40r18-tyres-jpg1st time VW owner, well, Spanish Golf !-459770054_1726432228160417_7964147918538356980_n-jpg1st time VW owner, well, Spanish Golf !-459915152_1036247161619653_4314268970675616049_n-jpg

    Any votes ?
    2024 CUPRA Leon V Tribe Edition

  10. #30
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    Hmmm decisions....decisions. Those rims are very nice and the right colour to offset the dark grey paint on your Cupra. Does the new rim have a centre cap? Check on that because the centre caps for those Jap wheels are quite expensive, and you generally have to buy a set of four: JDM Concept - Work Wheels GT Series & Emotion Center Caps

    If you really like the wheels then id go for them before the power upgrade. Those rims in a VAG spec dont come up for sale everyday.
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