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Thread: Windscreen washer

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Ringwood Victoria

    Windscreen washer

    Hey guys.
    I am wondering if anyone has noticed that their windscreen washers spray water way too high, almost to the top of the windscreen and onto the roof (I can see splatter on my sunroof) I just had some side skirts installed at vw (look great and work very well i can get in without scraping the beige leather) and asked them if they could readjust the washers. They said they did but not it even looks like they spray higher than where the wipers reach.

    Its a bit annoying as it leaves water marks on the edges of the windscreen and roof.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Users Country Flag
    I would reccomend reading the owners manual and doing a DIY adjustment if it is possible.

    I had to do this in my current car as they were set to spray as if you were driving at 100km/h so the wind would reduce the spray distance, however when you weren't going that fast it just shot onto the roof.

    Edit: Just realised you got side skirts.
    Which ones and pics NOW please!
    Last edited by team_v; 08-12-2009 at 03:49 PM.

  3. #3
    get a tooth pick, stick it in the washer and move it down to the position you want, its a simple fix.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Users Country Flag
    My current car had a hex screw (like the headlight adjustment screw)

    The toothpick or paperclip idea is a good option though.

  5. #5
    Guest0608 Guest

    there are 2 types of washer jets if they are the "fan jet" type. one you can just push down the bar on the jet to adjust. and the other has a small screw next to the jet, move the screw either way to adjust the jet up and down. and like above remember that the jet set when parked will not be in the same place at 100kph+ !............VW...... wind factor!


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