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Thread: Wait for MY13?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009
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    Wait for MY13?

    Was in a VW dealer at the weekend chatting about upgrading my 09 Tig for fully speced current model.

    Dealer was saying that I mightn't get it until June next year.

    Later it dawned on me that by then the MY13 model will be announced, and I might be annoyed on what's on the new one.

    Am I being silly?? I know it's a bit like all the people on PC forums asking should they wait to buy a PC because they're sure a better one is about to come out, and with PCs they do every couple of months.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Users Country Flag
    Quote Originally Posted by smeg888 View Post
    Was in a VW dealer at the weekend chatting about upgrading my 09 Tig for fully speced current model.

    Dealer was saying that I mightn't get it until June next year.

    Later it dawned on me that by then the MY13 model will be announced, and I might be annoyed on what's on the new one.

    Am I being silly?? I know it's a bit like all the people on PC forums asking should they wait to buy a PC because they're sure a better one is about to come out, and with PCs they do every couple of months.
    The only way to tell is to look at the MY12 options and work out if you are hapy purchasing a car with those options of if you want more.

    If you wnat more and think it is likely to come out here then wait.
    If you would be happy with the options we get on the MY12 then go for it!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    MY13 may well be announced by then ... but again you're not gonna get your hands on one (especially with specs you want) until at least Sept/Oct 2012 or a 4-5 month wait on an order.

    So realistically ... could be deferring your purchase by one whole year.
    MY11 Tiguan 147TSI (SOLD)

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    mmm... from MY09 to MY12, i dont really see the point really...
    what option do u have on your 09? Do u really find that much different on upgrading?

    Apart from the options, isn't it same chassis, interior, engine? only newer DSG (same as MY11) new look...

    When we talking about cars, every now and then new cars come out. As long as u happy with the car, and will be satisfied for next 3 years or at least the time to upgrade. Other opinions aren't really matter.
    MK1 Golf convertible


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