pics of valves before and and after (only 1500k's on this engine!):
Anyone know anything about this issue with the TSI's?
Found this info on a beemer forum:
We also have evidence of buildup in 5k miles on a VW 2.0FSI...
For what it is worth, we have photo evidence from two 2.0 FSI owners that show that the BG service is working pretty well. I have also heard of at least one Porsche dealer recommending BG service every 2 years on Porsche DI engines. In terms of cleaning up deposits that are already there, it looks like BG service is second best after physical removal of deposits by hand. However, I much, much, prefer preventing the deposits from ever forming in the first place by eliminating PCV return to the intake.
I started treating deposits on my 2.0 FSI at 9k miles on the car (lubro-moly valve cleaner sucked into intake via basketball needle method) and I wish I would have started at 5k. But I have the problem solved now through the bypass to exhaust so there won't be any new deposits, but I'm sure there are some from the pre bypass period, despite using the valve cleaner into the intake treatment(i.e. seafoaming).
and this is the 'fix' he's talking about:
Last edited by clip; 07-04-2010 at 05:52 PM.
pics of valves before and and after (only 1500k's on this engine!):
I get a new car every three years. VW can deal with this problem if it really is a problem.
Not every one is that fortunate, mate
Clip and others interested, you could also use Motorcraft Intake System cleaner which is also suitable for the diesel engines. Other equivalent product is Amsoil Power Foam and WURTH Intake System Cleaner (comes with long tubing you can reach into every cylinder intake. I also use InterJect diagnostic equipments with their range of fuel system additives and injector cleaners for maintaining petrol and diesel engines (expensive but really good).
Without the purpose made additives the petrol engine is at the peak power and efficiency at around 15,000km-20,000km, diesel engine around 50,000km and after that it is the down hill ride.
Last edited by Transporter; 07-04-2010 at 07:59 PM.
Performance Tunes from $850Wrecking RS OCTAVIA 2 Link
Using the premium fuels like BP Ultimate also helps delay this as it has cleaning agents in it.
It is a more common problem for those who want to skimp on paying for proper premium unleaded (98RON) .... 95 labeled premium is most definately not premium ....
The old saying .... penny wise pound foolish .... comes to mind. If you're to cheap to pay to play it always comes back to bite you in the behind ....
I regularly use additives similar to those mentioned by Transporter as well. $20-30 to pay for an additive (on top of a tanlk of real premium) every now and then is good insurance in the long run .....
And incidentally, if this happened to your car, warranty would not cover it .....
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