Thanks for the that Diesel.
Just regarding the 'Y' ratings vs 'V' ratings.... is there a particular ordering of ranking compared with others? ... eg Y.. V.. W..?
245/45 R19 should be more comfortable than 255/40 R19, but given the same wheel size of 19 x 8.5, the difference won't be as significant.
It doesn't have to be Y-rated, but you should aim for a speed index of at least V, as per the factory fitment.
Thanks for the that Diesel.
Just regarding the 'Y' ratings vs 'V' ratings.... is there a particular ordering of ranking compared with others? ... eg Y.. V.. W..?
Last edited by team_v; 27-04-2012 at 10:39 AM.
H = 210 km/h
V = 240 km/h
W = 270 km/h
Y = 300 km/h
(Y) = over 300 km/h
The speed index can also be an indicator of a tyre's construction or a particular characteristic, which is why the manufacturer (for some models) sometimes specify tyres in excess of the vehicle's top speed.
Thanks for that guys!
Just also regarding the numbers... 280, 300, 400, 500... the higher the number, the longer the tread wear?
How about the hardness of the sidewall...? can you tell by reading some numbers?
Yes, although they're not really comparable across different brands.
Not as far as I'm aware, no.
This link should prove useful: - Tech Center
Thanks for the info again Diesel.
Curious to know, does anyone know where to get the Sumitomo HTR ZIII's??? After reading many a review, I'm very keen to give it a try. Was initially thinking of the Falken F452's - as recommended by the Bob Jane rep. Read reviews on them, they seem pretty good too but the Sumitomo HTR ZIII's pricing is hard to beat. Might do a ring around tmrw for the Sumitomo's - Bob Jane doesn't carry them.
---------- Post added 27-04-2012 at 10:28 AM ---------- Previous post was 26-04-2012 at 08:59 PM ----------
wow.... called a few places that Google said are Sumitomo distributors like Bob Jane, JaxQuickFit, Beaurepaires... and a few tyre shops in the western suburbs that were shown on Sumitomo's website as stockists... all dont carry Sumitomo's anymore! And the guy at Jax QuickFit just heard from his boss when he was on the phone w me, and said Sumitomo went bust!!?! and JUST got off the phone w TyrePower and they confirmed that Sumitomo is gone!!! Apparently they were with TyreFactory? and TyreFactory went into liquidation and therefore all of Sumitomo's stuff went with them? (Not sure if this makes sense...) but there you go!!!
DAMN!!! Any ideas where to still get 'em in greater Melbourne?? Just interested to get a good quote on them for comparison, after reading sooooo many good reviews on them! My mate swears by them too, but he's currently overseas at the moment so I can't exactly ask him where he got his.
tirerack still has them available.
Might be worth contacting them to find out the specs and prices as well as payment options as they are quoting just over $600 for a set of 4 in 19" sizing. quoted me all-in price of US$1,131.20 'door to door shipment' for Sumitomo HTR ZIII's with 245/40/R19 specs. I wonder if that will constitute customs...?