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Thread: Tuning / performance update

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by DieselTig View Post
    I prefer the diesel for economy and like the torque down low which is good when the car is loaded and up the hills.
    Which is fine and exactly the purpose of the TDi Tiguan. Just don't expect a chip (any chip) to transform its performance into pinned to the seat acceleration, its not meant to do that.
    Current: 2023 MY23 T-Roc R Lapiz Blue + Beats Audio + Black pack 2018 MY19 Golf R manual Lapiz Blue + DAP) 2018 MY18 Golf 110TSI (150TSI) Trendline manual White2014 Amarok TSI Red (tuned over 200kw + lots of extras) 2013 Up! manual Red 2017 Polo GTI manual Black Previous VWs and some others ...

  2. #62
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    Understand that, otherwise I should get the V10 twin Turbo Tuareg.
    Also, on the subject of remapping, I will most likely be going with Oettinger,they have a history of working with the German vehicles and invest a lot of time and money as mentioned.
    Last edited by DieselTig; 30-07-2009 at 05:41 PM.
    Tiguan Tdi Auto

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sharkie View Post
    Unfortunately if you wanted pinned to the seat acceleration you should have ordered a Tiguan (any 1 would do) with the 2.0TSI motor. With tuning you would have had more than 400Nm and a 4500rmin wide powerband instead of the 2000rmin of the diesel.
    It's interesting that diesels are thought of as torque monsters in today's world of engine development. Sure there are easy comparisons around and VW, in particular, pitch major marketing $$$ on just that.

    A bit like the common misconception with sports bikes - vtwins inheritantly have more torque than in-line 4's of the same capacity. I don't think so.

  4. #64
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    Guys, before chipping your Tig you might want to read a post by a JJJ on the MyTiguan forums that responded to Clip's post on those forums about chipping:

    There is a lot more to consider than just the engines ability to handle the shipping as you'll see in that post. In fact, there's not just the gearbox on top of that to consider either. It's the ENTIRE drive train you need to consider, in conjunction with how you intend to use your Tig. Granted, JJJ probably puts his Tig through more 4x4 tracks than all Tig owners on this forum combined, so we may not subject our Tigs to having to put all torque through just one wheel, but you may learn a thing or two from his post.

    Tiguan TDI, 6spd Tiptronic Auto
    Black, sunroof, comfort pack, off-road tech, tan leather, park assist & roof bars.
    Avg 7.63L/100km over 189,000kms

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arctra View Post
    Guys, before chipping your Tig you might want to read a post by a JJJ on the MyTiguan forums that responded to Clip's post on those forums about chipping:

    There is a lot more to consider than just the engines ability to handle the shipping as you'll see in that post. In fact, there's not just the gearbox on top of that to consider either. It's the ENTIRE drive train you need to consider, in conjunction with how you intend to use your Tig. Granted, JJJ probably puts his Tig through more 4x4 tracks than all Tig owners on this forum combined, so we may not subject our Tigs to having to put all torque through just one wheel, but you may learn a thing or two from his post.
    Arctra, interesting post. This explains that the majority of remaps I have come across including Oettinger only go upto 370Nm which is a modest 13% increase and below the maximum Aisin TF-80SC Tiptronic torque of 440Nm. This gives enough safety margin for the Tiptronic. Good find.
    Tiguan Tdi Auto

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arctra View Post
    Guys, before chipping your Tig you might want to read a post by a JJJ on the MyTiguan forums that responded to Clip's post on those forums about chipping:

    There is a lot more to consider than just the engines ability to handle the shipping as you'll see in that post. In fact, there's not just the gearbox on top of that to consider either. It's the ENTIRE drive train you need to consider, in conjunction with how you intend to use your Tig. Granted, JJJ probably puts his Tig through more 4x4 tracks than all Tig owners on this forum combined, so we may not subject our Tigs to having to put all torque through just one wheel, but you may learn a thing or two from his post.
    oh please Arctra... for love of whoever, Tig's are not, never will be (in their current form anyway) anything remotely near a 4WD. If you're going to subject your Tig to that, then good luck - even in stock trim - and especially if you've got a sludge box (interestingly, JJJ seems to also assume that we all have auto's).

    "But don’t now not chip your engine on account of me. I would recommend asking your chipper of choice – innocently – what the maximum torque is that the transmission can handle, and if he stares at you blankly, you’ll know what to do." (JJJ)

    Precisely why I approached Hardings Performance for their opinion and collective knowledge (Oettinger and APR).

    "The concern for most people considering chipping seems to be the reliability of the engine, and if it fails, the warranty implication. The general consensus is that it is probably safer to chip a diesel engine due to its lower revving nature and the fact that is has been designed to run at very high compression ratios, so it should be robust enough, providing the extra power is used sensibly."

    I have no idea where JJJ gets that "general consensus" from. I think he is actually completely misinformed on this - talking out of his arse and really not based on anything other than his arguably misinformed opinion. Besides, I don't know anyone that seriously chips their diesel for performance. I mean, why bother? It's never going to amount to anything in comparison.

    "And this is where the argument fails - the longevity of the engine is unfortunately not the half of it."

    What argument JJJ? Hello? But you're probably right, in this respect - I chip my diesel or petrol Tig and then try and turn it into a landcruiser, discovery etc. Blown gearbox, diff, driveshafts etc - I deserve everything I get.

    But then at the end of the day please, please don't chip them. In fact, anyone reading this forum and wondering whether or not to make a Tig purchase, please think twice. There's really lots of other good cars out there.
    Last edited by clip; 30-07-2009 at 09:42 PM.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by DieselTig View Post
    .. Oettinger only go upto 370Nm which is a modest 13% increase and below the maximum Aisin TF-80SC Tiptronic torque of 440Nm. This gives enough safety margin for the Tiptronic.
    Sorry, but why is 370 a good safety margin? I would have thought 435Nm was a good safety margin, still 40Nm less than maximum. It's not like the engine is going to peak up over 440 or anything. Technically, it should be good right up to 440Nm without any problems. If pushing over that, then I would consider a valid failure, but nothing less.

  8. #68
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    There's some really serious bull***** going on here!! Have all these anti-chip people forgotten that the drivetrain in our petrol Tigs is the EXACT same drivetrain hardware used in the R32?!?!?!?! Do you hear of any of them blowing gearboxes or diffs etc?? They have standard 184kw and handle it with ease and I dare say people drive R32s a damn sight harder than we drive our Tigs!

    As Clip says, if you want a hardcore 4wd you would NEVER buy an SUV, you'd get a Landcruiser/Patrol/Pajero etc

    I think a lot of people here need to realise that different people want different things from their cars, if you're worried about chipping DON'T DO IT. If you've done your homework and are prepared to take the VERY small risk that something may go wrong with the car as a result of chipping then you go in with full knowledge of this.

    2008 VRS Wagon. Yellow, very yellow!
    Forever blowing bubbles.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by clip View Post
    Sorry, but why is 370 a good safety margin? I would have thought 435Nm was a good safety margin, still 40Nm less than maximum. It's not like the engine is going to peak up over 440 or anything. Technically, it should be good right up to 440Nm without any problems. If pushing over that, then I would consider a valid failure, but nothing less.
    It's not black-and-white - the closer you get to the limit, the more likely it is to fail. You can exceed the maximum, if you treat it gently, you can get away with it. But there's alway's a price. Higher torque in a similar model is only a guide, as there are different cooling issues, extra weight causes additional stress. That's why they test. The manufacturers limit things to where the most mechanically unsympathetic drivers drive - its a warranty claim issue, and big mechanical things are expensive. So they limit things for you. Remember, if the manufacturer could get 33% more power for "free" they would.
    Last edited by Sanman; 30-07-2009 at 10:34 PM.
    TDI tiguan in the drive. ParkAssist, comfort, fogs
    Service every 15,000, new fault code every 7,500km

  10. #70

    Quote Originally Posted by NZTiguan View Post
    Remember that in Europe they're already putting 125kw 350nm through the tiptronic box in the 125kw diesel. I understand there's been an issue about the "manual transmission" coping with the torque but NOT the auto. One of the GB guys had his diesel manual Tig replaced with an auto cos he did a lot of towing and it wasn't handling it too well. This was in the early days of Tig though !!

    Just to clarify.

    In europe (UK at least) you can get the 140ps 2.0 TDi in auto/tip and in manual variants but the 170ps variant is manual only. It's the other way around to what you said. I have the auto 140ps but wanted a 170ps auto. It does not exist and VW told me they knew of no plans to implement. You can confirm this by using the website and configuring one. If you want auto then you are stuck with 140ps (103Kw) or the petrol 200ps TSi.

    I then purchased a bluefin ECU device from a company called and they told me they could not tune my 2010 model Tig yet because the ECU is the new 2010 Bosch unit with anti-tuning and it had not been cracked by their development team yet. They reckon to have it cracked by the end of the year. Superchips have 25 years of ECU mod experience and are the official tuning partner for Volkswagen Racing UK.


    Paul (from UK)
    Last edited by smipx013; 30-07-2009 at 10:43 PM.

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