Yes they can but the lighter ones have a very low ballweight in relation to their towing capacity.
Most Aus made vans have a recommended ballweight of at least 10%.
My Passat which shows a tow weight of over 1200kg has a ball weight limit of 90kg which is too low for most Aussie built vans
So most VW's as in Tiguan etc would have problems towing a 1600kg Aussie van as the ballweight limit is too low.
Then you have to look at a Euro built van which is built differently and has lower ballweights.
Even a Pajero and a Patrol have ballweight restrictions over certain weights.
Towing rules state that you may tow either the limit imposed by the manufacturer or the weight limit imposed by the towbar
So you cant stick a 2500kg towbar on a car rated to 2000kg and tow more than 2000kg
or put a 1500kg towbar on the same car and the limit is 1500kg
Towball weight is designated by the vehicle manufacturer and shouldnt be exceeded or you may suffer from a droopy rear end in a monocoque car.
Last edited by Guest001; 05-11-2016 at 08:51 AM.
2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan