Your best bet is to take off the cover and photograph the label behind the bulb. Should tell you the model.
I doubt it's a D3S as it's a newer bulb type but then your Tiguan is the FL model. D1S will be the norm, and cheaper too.
I would advise against anything over 5000k, may look brighter but not really.
Stick with Phillips or Osram.
If you want more performance, go for Philip Extreme Vision or Osram Cool Blue Intense.
Have heard good thing about Osram CBI, this bulb appear to be the OEM for late model Merc (to match their DRL colour).
You may want to replace both bulbs though, for performance and aesthetic reason.
There is one cable connector for each bulb, you need to detach that first. After that, it should be as simple as twist and pull. Failing that, consult the manual or dealer. Xenon bulb rarely fails this early. Perhaps a warranty claim?