Bring on the dyno day for sure ! Mad keen to sort one of those out...
And wow guys do I have to read the whole of this thread or can I just jump in here ?!
Sure our HQ is based just north of Cairns so we do a lot of motors up here. Yes we love do a lot of Porsches too as I'm personally a Porsche fanatic and always have been and we have vast amounts of experience with them because of our Tech Director's past. Although we're looking at getting a Golf 'R' to supplement the track sprint stuff given we are pulling 4.1s 0-100 just from a dump pipe, CAI and our custom mapping...So we can properly feel at home on here!
And of course we have every piece of hardware you can shake a stick at. Having said that the latest firmware on the KessV2 and the K-Tag Alien Tech systems service our entire range now so little point in anything else to be honest so our dealers will have that lot.
We've now launch in Melbourne, about to launch Brisbane, in fact lots more in the pipeline I won't crash this thread with here - but yes we can offer services including bench tuning all over Australia - and yes - the new Tigs are (awesome by the way) are bench tune only. I did take an ID file on a chap's 200hp variant up here recently but OBD tuning isn't going to happen on them... delightful 1024 bit encryption strikes again.
But absolutely as with all our VAG stuff - you get a light DSG tune thrown in with which ever level of tune you decide upon. Whether it's our Chamber of Commerce Award winning Blue Optimize custom written coding for 50% reduced emissions and max eco, and super slick smooth gains, our performance level or motorsport levels it's all custom written, fully insured mapping... Free lifetime of ownership flash updates, upgrades, return to stock for service programs (small charges may apply for bench tune motors) for those that don't trust the undetectable-to-dealer-diagnostics-tuning we offer. Incidentally if a service centre flash an upgrade on the ecu we need a new read file, and will supply a free new custom written map again, for the lifetime of your ownership of the vehicle. And if you do any hardware mods they are written perfectly into the coding - so you can get the best out of them for one, but also no more 'hoping' the CEL doesn't come on.
The free light-dsg-tune alters the LC if applicable and makes for faster pick-up, smoother shifting, quicker shifting and just generally sorts out the complaints about the DGS boxes in general. Feel free to ask any of the Golf R or GTi guys on here about it rather than me selling it you.
Anyway - that's probably enough so I'll duck out for now but always happy to answer any question anyone may have.
Have a look here if you need to know more on us for now too - our website is undergoing maintenance so will be out of action for a few days
VIEZU Australia
We've barely launched and are doing a lot of VGA models across Aus' - but give us until new year and you'll see what the fastest growing tuning brand in the world is about
Viezu Australia
That reminds me - I must sort my sign off for posts...
