Thanks for the response, in that case, the "light DSG tuning" is the same as offered by all the tuners who tune the engine ecu :)
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Thanks for the response, in that case, the "light DSG tuning" is the same as offered by all the tuners who tune the engine ecu :)
I've never heard of Launch Control alterations being made for free on such tunes for all these other tuners but haven't done a vast amount of research on it either.
What do your / all other tuners Launch Control system launch at after the free inclusion ?
It may be of interest to this thread that we'll be offering something very special in regards to DSG's early next year too. Will keep everyone posted on that :cool:
We don't change the static launch control RPM as that's located in the mechatronics unit - pretty simple - we don't claim to perform DSG magic via remapping the engine ECU either.
All our software is transmission specific, that's pretty obvious. Engine calibration for a DSG car is different to that for a manual car - always has been.
Loving this :P Getting to the real nitty-gritty now, carry on guys - it is to the benefit of us all :)
Sorry Guy I'm not sure I follow. I thought you/all other tuners could do it - now you can't or don't claim to perform DSG magic via remapping the engine either ?
Regardless - as I've explained, we do a free light-dsg-tune (and its affects) or a full on DSG remap. We can, we do, and there are Golf 'R' owners especially all over this forum and others I'm sure who will confirm this is the case.
Whether other tuners can or can't do it doesn't really interest us - all I'm sure the forum members want to know is: Viezu offer it for most VAG motors, it works, it's fully insured like all Viezu tuning services, and as an example clients say on the 'R' it can raise the LC from 3200 to 4200 rpm ish, and equally as important enables much quicker pick up, more decisive, smoother, faster changes. Pretty much sorts all the problems clients come to us saying they have with the DSG transmission.
And of course all of our mapping is custom written for the car - so obviously Viezu tunes are transmission specific too... Along with being specific on everything else a client desires, mods, levels of economy, performance, emissions, curves, fuel type etc etc etc etc etc.
Happy to answer any other questions from the forum members though. And Tiggy1 - no problem - always happy to help
This why you buy a manual :banana:
When you state "Fully Insured" regarding your tunes, are you suggesting that should something fail as a result of the tune, let's say the mechatronics unit or a burnt piston, Viezu will cover the cost of replacement?
Thanks for the response Simon,
Seeming Tiggy has a DSG car, I think it would benefit us all on how the DSG launch control is changed by remapping the engine - so if you can humor us all & let us know how its done in layman's terms (no need to give trade secrets away).
I took your suggestion & tried to look up some customers that had your software & the launch control, but could not find anything conclusive.
Brick's Golf R [Archive] - - Australian VW Golf Forum
I also managed to find several people who have various tunes (including ours) that also had launch that would sometimes activate at over 4000rpm's. I even experienced it once in my new GTI :). Can you explain this to us please?
---------- Post added at 04:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:46 PM ----------
Oh, P.S. We have 3 DSG cars in the Brisbane development fleet, all modified, so we are very well experienced in them - inside out & software - so please feel free to ask me anything about them you like!
Hi Drift
For sure - uniquely, Viezu internationally cover all of their tunes/tuning services, so any issue directly attributable to the mapping is covered.
Throw in the International quality standards (ISO) accreditation and you know you're buying a quality product that we stick by.
All tuning levels are covered, from Eco/Blue Optimize/Blend files/Performance/Motorsport/Max-it-mapping
The mark 5 GTi we see 70hp and 100Nm, for example, fully insured, no mods, normal 98 octane fuel. The fact Viezu don't do 'spikes' and won't allow anything other than the most drivable gains around are a bonus. The fact the lag is gone, is as smooth or smoother than stock, the turbo comes on sooner in the rev range, and it screams to the cut out and eats stock Golf R's for breakfast is another benefit.
The Tiguan 2.0TFSi engines see 40hp and 85 Nm at the moment on the normal 'performance' level of mapping and the stage 2 R&D programs are underway for this engine (still no mods - you add mods and they custom write them in of course as they do with all levels of tune and they just go harder)......
Can I ask why your Tiguan tune nets 40hp (I assume this is calculated on the 147tsi?) when the APR tune nets over 50hp on the 147?