Originally Posted by
In addition to that, the only difference is the front bumper and skid plates and offcourse the offroad electronics option. If anyone else is aware of any other differences I am curious to know.
The main difference is the nose, it's a bit more than the bumper but that's generally it, the "track and field" has an approach angle of 28º versus the normal 18º. The only thing you haven't mentioned that may be considered to be an "extra" in Ausi (standard here in NZ on all models) is the tyre pressure monitoring system which is nice to have on board, Oh and there's a "compass" in the top of the MFD which isn't really much value but I think it's only on Track and Field models ? I believe that the RNS510 with Nav allows you to keep a "track" of where you go off-road as well ( a bit like the breadcrumb trail in a hand-held gps) which could be handy in some desert areas etc but I guess that's on all the models with Nav.
2022 R-Line Golf Mk8 in Kings Red Metallic
Previously 3 Tiguans 2008, 2013, 2017