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Thread: Tigs in Europe

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Tigs in Europe

    Have been in Europe for the last 5 weeks. Missing our Tig sitting at home alone in his cold garage.

    We have been in the UK and France. Drove 2500 km in the UK and more than 1000 in France.

    Funny thing is we have seen only 10 Tigs in all that driving and walking around lots of big and small towns (and one of the 10 was in a VW dealer). I'm the sort of person that looks at all the other cars on the road as I drive, and on the big motorways in the UK and France you see a lot of cars, but not many Tigs.

    I really thought with all the stories of European demand they would be all over the place, but I guess what we don't hear is the demand for all of the other cars.

    Anyway, just an observation, looking forward to getting home in a week and starting the Tig up, but not looking forward to the Melbourne weather.

    Sunny, forecast top of 26 in Paris today, we are off to see the end of the Tour, pity Cadel isn't featuring - maybe next year.


  2. #2
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    Throw an egg at Lance Armstrong for me
    2008 VRS Wagon. Yellow, very yellow!
    Forever blowing bubbles.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pullstarter View Post
    Throw an egg at Lance Armstrong for me
    Sorry saw your post too late! Didn't take any eggs.

    Actually saw another Tig at a fancy hotel next to where we were watching the tour.


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