LOL .... it is this "fear" of modification that makes people who drive standard cars actively put down people who do.

Have a look around and see what it is out there that can be done for minimal risk. I have owned more than 25 cars in the last 20 years and have actively modified more than half of them.
This have included 6 BMWs and I modified every single one of them. None of them ever broken down on me. Even my 2 M3s were modified and I have taken them to extremes inlcuding numerous track days.
So I'm an enthusiast that enjoy my cars and guess what; I don't care what other people think. I have experience with modified cars and still to this day defer to tuning specialists when it comes to what can and cannot be done. So when a tuning specialist informs me what they have found to be the limits to which you can push certain components, then I happily stay within those limits. Reasonable limits is the key here.
If VW/Audi is prepared to put basically the same engine and gearbox in the Tiguan, suitably "modified" in the Audi TTS that makes 200kw and provide a 3 year warranty then I'm sure what I'm doing to it is not going to break it.
Yes, there is always a chance that a modification increases risk, but I for one is prepared to live with it. Unless you have personal experience with modifications don't pass judgement on those that do.
Have a look through the Polo section for instance. There is a known gearbox issue on these. Have a look at how many standard cars have had issues and how many modified ones. You'd be surprised to notice that almost no modified cars had issues wherease many standard cars did.
Did modification make a difference here? Almost certainly not. I may just have been lucky (again for the 25th time in a row lol) and that with my car making more than 70% more power and torque than standard. The gearbox was as good when I sold it as it was when I bought it. Did I dramatically shorten the life of it? Probably, but I saw it as an oppertunity rather than a liability,
a failed gearbox would have allowed me to do yet another upgrade ....