Washed the Tig for the first time in 2-3 months over the weekend.
2 bucket method is a god-send as the rinse bucket turned black with road grime, dirt and brake dust.
Using nanolex reactivating shampoo (nead to give it another coat of sealant next time as it's now been about 12 months since the last one) which is good, not strong smelling but does the job.
Also i cannot reccomend highly enough the Duragloss All Wheel Cleaner. I just sprayed it on the wheels before i started to wash the body panels and then gave the wheels a wipe with a wash mit when i finished the rest of the car.
Brake dust comes off very easily!!!
Have another session of Happy Laps at Lakeside on Saturday and then a full afternoon of driver training in the Tig (private training - not run by VW)