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Thread: Team_v's Tig

  1. #501
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    Quote Originally Posted by hippyhippy View Post
    can the surf key turn on the ignition? or can it only open the door?
    It can only open the doors.
    Then you have to use the real key with the transponder ($400 dollars worth) to start the car.

  2. #502
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    You'd need to remove the keyhole covers on the door handles wouldn't you?
    2008 VRS Wagon. Yellow, very yellow!
    Forever blowing bubbles.

  3. #503
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Yep, but good to have something like a medium flat screwdriver handy wrapped in a piece of cloth to pry the cover off. And don't do it in a hurry! Don't want any scratches! I've pulled my original key apart twice & surfed with the blade-half in my wetsuit with no ill effects, but will look into a surf key for sure before something goes wrong...
    I think there's only 1 keyhole cover on the drivers side, have to check that in the morning!
    Current: MY18 TRANSPORTER CrewVan, Indium Grey
    Previous: MY10 Tiguan 2.0TSI, Silver Leaf, APR StgII tune + many mod's

  4. #504
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pullstarter View Post
    You'd need to remove the keyhole covers on the door handles wouldn't you?
    Quote Originally Posted by MGV View Post
    Yep, but good to have something like a medium flat screwdriver handy wrapped in a piece of cloth to pry the cover off. And don't do it in a hurry! Don't want any scratches! I've pulled my original key apart twice & surfed with the blade-half in my wetsuit with no ill effects, but will look into a surf key for sure before something goes wrong...
    I think there's only 1 keyhole cover on the drivers side, have to check that in the morning!
    You do need to remove the keyhole cover.
    There is a small gap underneath the cover that is a little bigger than the key blade so you just pop the blade in and pull out slightly and it pops off.

    If you go about it in a huge rush you could scratch the paint but if you do it at a normal pace and know what you are doing it is easy enough to do safely.

    Well worth the $50 for piece of mind (preventative maintenance )

  5. #505
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    This is one of the most informative threads I have ever read. Great informative stuff. I have read the whole thread, over the last couple of days and I will stay tuned.


  6. #506
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    Aug 2010
    Hey Clay, just wondering what product you recommend/use on the black plastic & rubber bits? Something with UV protecting qualities? I'm sure you've mentioned it, but i can't re-read 51 pages of posts! (It has been a good thread, though!)

    Current: MY18 TRANSPORTER CrewVan, Indium Grey
    Previous: MY10 Tiguan 2.0TSI, Silver Leaf, APR StgII tune + many mod's

  7. #507
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    I don't use anything on the black plastic bits at the moment.

    Having said that, i have heard of using 303 Aeorspace protectant on them or the cheapy way is to use a little bit of black shoe pollish (this is usually for when they have already faded).

    Car is going to Prestige and Performance to get the downpipe looked at since it has begun to rattle on the transmission tunnel when under load.

    Also have lakeside in just over 3 weeks so you should have some mad video action.

  8. #508
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Hi team_v

    Was just wondering if you or anyone might be able give me instructions on how to remove the tail lights? Or if you have a link? I can't seem to find any.... But I rem you had ur tail lights changed before (if I recall correctly?)... Are the 2 screws on the inside the only screws holding them in?

  9. #509
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    Quote Originally Posted by HaywireTig View Post
    Hi team_v

    Was just wondering if you or anyone might be able give me instructions on how to remove the tail lights? Or if you have a link? I can't seem to find any.... But I rem you had ur tail lights changed before (if I recall correctly?)... Are the 2 screws on the inside the only screws holding them in?
    Hi Mate.
    I will have a look at mine tonight and let you know.

    Which lights are you talking about by the ay, the inner cluster (in the tailgate) or the outer cluster (in the bodywork)

    If they are hte inner lights you just have to pull the little plastic door voer thing off then you have 2 screws to undo and it should come out.

    The outter cluster only has the 2 black screws on the inner side of the bodywork then you pull it straight out and it should be fine.

    It should explain this to you in the manual as you need to do this to change the tailight bulbs from memory.

  10. #510
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Thanks team_v! Yeah was actually referring to both... Cool ill have a look at the manual but what u said has given me a good idea. Thanks!!

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