Originally Posted by
I can quite easily induce wheelspin .... dry or wet ..... in a straight line ....
You also have to remember that a Tig starts off 50:50 split F:R drive to the wheels. So off the line you can have all 4 wheels spinning. Once you go beyond 10km/h it switches to 90:10 F:R and becomes a FWD unless you're still spinning the wheels at that point. So at 30km/h rolling when you give it a bootful, you will only have front wheels spinning and yes, it takes the Haldex a while to figure out it needs to send more power to the rear.
In the wet you can have wheelspin all the way to the change to 2nd gear and the ESC is seemlingly unable to cope .....
I have also had sidesteps on corners that I had to correct with no help from the ECS ... and no, I don't turn it off on the Tig ....