Quick update.
Had some time after work so i decided to update the rear of the car.
Can you guess what happened?
Also fitted the Sharan replica antenna and took pictures.
No loss in radio reception but a better profile imho.
I was originally going to get white, but then i decided i wanted some extra definition so i decided on either black or blue.
Saw so many black ones and how they tend to hide the details of the car so i went blue and love it more than ever.
I am totally wrapped to own it and even just sitting in it in teh garage reading the manual is a good feeling lol.
Quick update.
Had some time after work so i decided to update the rear of the car.
Can you guess what happened?
Also fitted the Sharan replica antenna and took pictures.
No loss in radio reception but a better profile imho.
Debadge looks excellent V! I did consider doing my own but got scared lol. I too have the Sharan antenna due to the stock one hitting the garage door and was surprised to find no loss in reception quality etc and as you say looks much better than stock IMO.
2008 VRS Wagon. Yellow, very yellow!
Forever blowing bubbles.
It was easy as to do.
I just ran some fishing line behind the badges and pulled left and right to "saw" it off.
Then picked most of the glue off and hit t with a few drops of eucalyptus oil to clean it up, then rinsed it off.
Looks very clean, will take some better photos when i can to show it off.
Kept the badges too so i can paint het TSI in red if i want to rebadge it lol.
The stock antenna went close to the garage door/clothesline etc for me too so the Sharan was a good compromise and looks better and didn't lose radio function.
Most of the easy mods are done now so i will have to go on to the bigger ones next week.
At the girlfriend's place for the weekend so no car fiddling.
Was planning a Mt Nebo run but i might save it for next weekend.
Oh very neat with no badges, love the little "bee sting" on the top too. Very cute!
I'm going to the pub... I may be some time...
congrats Team V, must be great having your Tig after all that waiting
sure you'll love it, enjoy
Tiguan TSI Catalina blue, Manual
Looks great Team V.... but then I'm biased.
Thanks guys.
I am really liking the clean look so i don't think i will put the badges on.
I might paint up the TSI badge red and see how it looks for when i get Guy to give the car a boost with APR.
Dealer sticker is coming off this week, being replaced with an alternative sticker.
But i figured i should wait until i get the front passenger window fixed at the dealer first.
Had no big problems with the car so far.
Founds hte same problem as everyone that First gear is quite short, and that 6th gear isn't really necessary except to save fuel over 80km/hr.
VW could have easily advanced the gearing ratio's to give a longer 1st gear and remove 6th but i guess fuel economy is what "wins" the customers.
My total average is on 12.2l/100km so far but it's only done 200km and its been getting a thrashing more than half the time.
Will get some new pictures up on Tuesday when i get the window fixed/sticker swapped.
Then hopefully i have some more time to get another mod in.
Also need to do a bunnings run to grab some more tools.
Girlfriend's family approved of the car and remarked about the awesome turbo rush power and power throughout the rev range.
That is with a un-modded 125 as well lol, can't wait for the 190 (+10)