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Thread: Sunroof exploded.. help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Users Country Flag

    Sunroof exploded.. help

    hi everyone..

    driving today to work on my usual commute.. 5 mins away from home travelling about 40kms on my normal road when suddenly there was an enormous loud bang... at first i had thought my tyres had popped.... but when parking the car .. i then realise my sunroof is busted !! ?? WTF

    ive had rocks hit the windscreen before and this was nothing like it... the entire front panel of the sunroof is busted .. with glass protruding outwards not inwards

    ringing the dealership and VW customer care and already they are both giving signs of deflecting the issue as not their problem.. but ive got to get the car in so they can do their assessment which i can understand.

    wanting to ask if anyone here has heard of this happening.. or even experienced this issue? jumping on google now to read on this as well.. the vehicle was bought in 2014 with 50ks on the clock so i dont know where this leaves me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    As someone who has been in the sunroof industry for over 50 years I can say with almost certainty you were hit by a stone flicked up by a car going the oppositte direction or infront of you . I know its hard to accept but trust me it is the most common thing we find in this industry , your insurance will cover the cost for repairs . Now there are some reports from various countries about supposed spontaneuos exploding sunroof glass panels but I think most can be atributed to the flying rock as I have also experienced it in my own car and believe me its like that old story you never hear the bullet that will hit you until its happened . The trouble with that type of glass is that the nano second it is hit by a stone it explodes in a nano second so you dont realise its been hit by something . Now the last thing all those reports from other countries are without fail attributed to Panoramic Style sunroofs , if you take into consideration the amount of glass area on the roof it is logical for the stone to impact there frequently . Have a look at the bonnet of your car I will gaurantee there are lots of small chips in the paint from similar impacts , not all rocks come straight at the front of a car as they can bounce along the road surface and then bounce into the air where gravity brings it downwards so your roof will be hit . I hope you get it sorted with your insurance as I doubt VW will do anything worthwhile PS the glass is only held in place with 3 screws on each side so its a no brainer to replace .

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