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Thread: Stop start technology in MY12

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Just spent a month driving a Merc with start-stop, was interesting, but largely pointless in urban traffic as it was rare to have a long traffic light where the a/c wasn't on, or rear demist or something that would start the engine again after 15 seconds
    TDI tiguan in the drive. ParkAssist, comfort, fogs
    Service every 15,000, new fault code every 7,500km

  2. #22
    Join Date
    May 2009
    DELETED- dumb me
    Last edited by turbice; 28-02-2012 at 07:00 PM.

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    Just got my new MY 2012 TDI Tiggy yesterday and took it for a spin. Got stuck in horrible Sydney CBD traffic and i have been very impressed with the stop start tech technology. I can honestly say the engine was off for > 1 min or so in traffic. Could have been longer. Didnt really time it. That's with stereo, air con, bi xeons on. The engine definitely didn't kick start after 15 secs as most forum users have stated. It really does help when you sit in Sydney traffic.
    Tiguan 2012 2.0 TDI Bluemotion Pepper Grey Metallic
    Comfort Line Pack | Bi-Xenon with LED DDL | Fog Lamps | Leather pack
    Panoramic Sunroof | Park Assist 2.0 | Mud Flaps | 18" New York Alloy Wheels

  4. #24
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    Possibly a dumb question, however as I have only had my car for a couple of weeks I am finding "new stuff" every day.

    So, should I want to turn Blue Motion off, is there a button/switch/selection that I can make to do so in my MY12 132TSI Pacific?

    I wouldn't mind trying it switched off to see if I can tell ther difference .

    Thanks in advance.
    2012 MY12.5 132 Pacific 6sp Manual - Deep Black

  5. #25
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    There are 2 switched in front of gearshift. One turns off blue motion , other ESP.
    Both reset to ON ever time you actually turn off ignition.
    Dealer should have told you all this.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mullos View Post
    Possibly a dumb question, however as I have only had my car for a couple of weeks I am finding "new stuff" every day.

    So, should I want to turn Blue Motion off, is there a button/switch/selection that I can make to do so in my MY12 132TSI Pacific?

    I wouldn't mind trying it switched off to see if I can tell ther difference .

    Thanks in advance.
    My daughter always turns it OFF when she gets in the car and despite of that, she still gets amazing fuel economy of 6.5L/100km, city driving and short trips (TDI Tig with DSG). To me the battery(AGM)/startermotor and ring gear on the fly wheel wear just for the sake of the 0.1L or 0.2L fuel saving every 100km is not worth it. She plans to keep the car for 8-10 years.

  7. #27
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    Unfortunately my dealer gave me my key, and said "You'll be right" and sent me on my way. True story.

    From memory the only switches in front of the gear shift are for park assist, warning sensors and one other. I don't see any others, or am I either looking in the wrong spot, or am I blind?

    Any advice would be appreciated.
    2012 MY12.5 132 Pacific 6sp Manual - Deep Black

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mullos View Post
    Unfortunately my dealer gave me my key, and said "You'll be right" and sent me on my way. True story.

    From memory the only switches in front of the gear shift are for park assist, warning sensors and one other. I don't see any others, or am I either looking in the wrong spot, or am I blind?

    Any advice would be appreciated.
    Oops ... obviously the dealer also didn't mention to you that 132TSI doesn't come with BlueMotion technology.

    But surely you're not imagining your Tig's start/stop. So very strange.
    Last edited by aussietig; 14-05-2012 at 11:17 PM.
    MY11 Tiguan 147TSI (SOLD)

  9. #29
    bluemotion only available in 118tsi or tdi

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    Well spotted! LOL
    Plus I didn't actually know that.

    I too am wondering if it's actually worth it.

    If anyone finds the way to permanently turn it off I would probably do it.

    ---------- Post added at 08:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:13 AM ----------

    And that dealer deserves 'outing'.
    He's paid to do that. Actually, you paid him to do that. I would demand a % of your dealer delivery costs back.....

    I know it can be boring to have an 18 year old tell you how to start a car but that 30 mins adds to the excitement of driving off the dealers lot and there are one or two important things he should tell you, like if your car has Bluemotion or not.
    Last edited by whiskywallah; 15-05-2012 at 08:18 AM. Reason: Spelling

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