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Thread: Scaremongering

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
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    I feel it is necessary to raise this (probably suited to a wider audience than just the Tiguans) .... it has become obvious that there are far too many people on this forum that are very close minded and not open to explore alternatives and are quick to jump down the throats of those that do explore alternatives and question the way things are ....

    Far too many "experts" on here trying to force their opinions onto others .....

    It is important to note

    VW is a premium car manufacturer ... yes ... but they do make mistakes and the quality is not always the best. .... VW has not recently won any quality surveys ...... (if you want a car that will last longer buy a Toyota)

    VW or dealers do not always know best .... in fact dealers for the most are ignorant of their products & services .....

    The internet is a valuable resource ... yes ... but don't believe everything you read ....

    Adding an aftermarket product to your car will not make it blow up 99% of the time .... and in most instances will not VOID your warranty .... the ACCC will make the manufacturer honour all parts of the warranty not directly affected by any change you may make and even then the manufacturer has to prove to a legal standard (which is pretty high) that the change affected the car in any way.

    Having your car serviced anywhere else but at a dealer will NOT void your warranty ... it is the law ....

    Do not believe everything you read in a sales brochure .... it is designed to lure buyers ....

    Do not knock something unless you have personal experience of exactly what you are knocking .....

    Performance is not a relative term ... it has a defined meaning .... it is measured ... "sufficient" is not a measurement .... unless you can prove how something perfoms do not make comparisons ...
    Current: 2023 MY23 T-Roc R Lapiz Blue + Beats Audio + Black pack 2018 MY19 Golf R manual Lapiz Blue + DAP) 2018 MY18 Golf 110TSI (150TSI) Trendline manual White2014 Amarok TSI Red (tuned over 200kw + lots of extras) 2013 Up! manual Red 2017 Polo GTI manual Black Previous VWs and some others ...

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I was under the impression Maverick that any licenced mechanical workshop could carry out scheduled servicing without the warranty being affected? I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure thats what the ACCC had in mind when the law was made in order to crack down on price fixing and anti-competetive practices, monopolies if you will.

    As regards to the other comments I think what Sharkie is getting at is that there are many on these forums who either don't like or don't trust aftermarket parts and modifications. This is fine by me, each to their own, and all are free to make their own choices. However, there seems to be a preponderence by this camp to rubbish anything that isn't genuine VW or even slightly out of the norm.

    Companies such as APR, Oettinger, FK, H&R, Neuspeed, Carbonio etc. spend masses of time and money on R&D for these items and would not have the reputation that they do without good reason.

    I think that most people would be aware that when they buy an AVC unit they are not getting the same quality they would from a known brand name. This is why the unit is so cheap. Many people on this forum have the generic Chinese unit and there are very few who have had issues such as the problems encountered by Lemonlimetaing. Not to mention the fact that even with a genuine VW satnav unit his car was still flattening batteries. People realise that there are risks with using cheaper items and this exactly why they are cheaper.

    I really would like to see this Tiguan forum flourish and also that people can agree to disagree. I can understand where Sharkie is coming from in that we who like to mod our cars are often told "that's a bad idea" or "that will void your warranty". We do appreciate that some are genuinely looking out for us and for that we are thankful. However, there are some on here who seem to take immense pleasure from rubbishing anything outside the square.

    I'm not trying to stir the pot here and by no means wish to start a flame war but I do ask that people do their homework before commenting and please be respectful to others ideas, even though they may not align with your own.

    2008 VRS Wagon. Yellow, very yellow!
    Forever blowing bubbles.

  3. #3
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    What can't be argued is that there are two VERY distinct camps here. The major problem I see is that once an opinion is put on the table others then come and throw in their 2c worth and results in a bandwagon mentality. I appreciate that some people are genuinely trying to be helpful and I appreciate that help. However, being told REPEATEDLY, the same thing, over and over is not only unnecessary it is also totally unproductive and results in the abovementioned flame wars.

    If people see that a statement has been made that they agree with, is there really any reason for them to regurgitate what has already been said? It smacks of self justification to me.

    Anyway, I know most people on here mean well I would just like to see a little more tolerance for different ideas. Let's face it, without creative thinking, risk taking and trial and error we wouldn't even be driving turbo charged cars.
    2008 VRS Wagon. Yellow, very yellow!
    Forever blowing bubbles.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
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    forums in general

    my two cents worth
    Im on a few forums and this one is of high quality.

    Some great info and vast experience is generally found in forums, they do get a bit of track at times,

    I do wonder sometimes that its a distorted view as the vast majority of owners are just out there enjoying there products, and not sitting at the computer all day, debating that the fuses are red in the manual and a pale orange in the car,

    Mechanical things can break down or go wrong, its the nature of the beast but overall the i think we all realise the Tig is a great vehicle thats why we brought them,

    Lets enjoy constructive and informed debate and all be educated and above all appreciate the combined knowledge and experience


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
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    damn, I go out for a few hours, come back and find I've missed all the fun!

    I'm assuming there have been some deleted posts in this thread?


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